Psychic-and Oriƫntal healer. Manual therapist. Martial artist. Actor/stuntman. Personal trainer.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Dick Israel passed away..
So sorry to hear my old friend and movie colleague DICK "TATS" ISRAEL (Ricardo Michaca) is no longer among us. He died at age 6...
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Rutte: The Lying Dutchman
De Liegende Hollander... The Lying Dutchman... 'Liegen alsof 't gerutt staat' Met stip nummer 1 Tja, ik verzi...
Friday, March 11, 2016
Democratie is toch de macht van het volk..??
By Bert E. Spoor de Rave In tegenstelling tot een dictatuur verwacht je in een democratie voorrechten die bij de verworven vrijheden hor...
Sunday, March 6, 2016
The American spies..
They keep coming, each and every day, especially after I publish a new article.. Screening the website, scrolling ALL posts several time...
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