Monday, October 5, 2009

Willy Williams, The Champion !!!

There are so many people I worked with on the movie sets, but here's one I didn't say much about yet. Willie Williams, an Afro-American Vietnam veteran and ex navy. He didn't talk much about his tours in Nam. But when he did, his face seemed to be frozen, his eyes looking for something in a far distance, his mind, his thoughts back to that war...The killer-instinct woke up in him. Anyone could see it instantly, don't fuck with this guy....
Willie had weird legs, x-knees and flat feet. He always wore his own boots cos wardrobe couldn't provide any that fit on him. So, once I happened to sit in the office of a casting bureau, elbows on my knees, head in my hands and face down (deep thoughts...:) when a couple of people entered the room. My thoughts were miles away and I didn't pay any attention to these men. But then a pair of shoes entered my 'viewpoint area' , they woke me up....!!! Without looking up I pointed down and said: "I know these feet, I recognize them."... "Willy is it you ???"... I looked up and saw a smile from ear to ear that burst in a laughter. This little moment strengthened our friendship and lasted for the time we met.

Willy also became champion... well, he won...

This was on the set of Hellcamp, there's a scene were the prisoners ( including Lisa Eickhorn) had to undress. David Light and Bill Kipp had a full front view when they 'disinfected ' them. The prisoners one by one had to raise their arms and were sprayed with something like baby powder. David later told me that he almost forgot to spray when Willie was on. He said: "OMG. that guy !! I've seen a lot, but this beats everything. "
Naïef as I was I asked what he meant... "Didn't you see Willy?" he said, "That guy's an elephant..." The other guys who saw it as well ( I didn't see much of it, cos my position as a guard was on the backside of the camp) agreed with Dave and Willy was pronounced 'The Champion'. This was another ear to ear smile for the winner. I think Willy was proud.....

Cast 'Hellcamp'. Raphael Shultz, Bert Spoor, Steve Rogers, Bill Kipp and Henry Strzalkowski..

I remember that day well. I was in charge of the bit players in the cast. There was one shot where the director of photography had a dolly parallel to the line of prisoners to be "deloused." The shot was a slow dolly across the line-up of just their legs from the knees down. After the first dolly rehearsal, the DOP turned and whispered aside to his assistant, "I'm gonna have to lower the camera, get me the hi-hat." At the lunch room later, I waited for the right moment when Willy was at the lunch line and said aloud, "Willy, have you ever considered a career in entertainment?" The room exploded.
 (see all comments)..!!

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  1. I remember that day well. I was in charge of the bit players in the cast. There was one shot where the director of photography had a dolly parallel to the line of prisoners to be "deloused." The shot was a slow dolly across the line-up of just their legs from the knees down. After the first dolly rehearsal, the DOP turned and whispered aside to his assistant, "I'm gonna have to lower the camera, get me the hi-hat." At the lunch room later, I waited for the right moment when Willy was at the lunch line and said aloud, "Willy, have you ever considered a career in entertainment?" The room exploded.

  2. Willy was hands-down (and trousers-down) the champ!

  3. I remember the Filipina girls were astonished at Willie. After some of us had spent some time in Cavite with some 'ladies of the night' the one with him was telling the others of her surviving the night. He was a legend. He should have gone 'pro'!

  4. Bert, 'Kaiser Sosa', does anyone have a hyperlink to any other weblinks on "Willie Williams"? I seem to remember something on Willie but don't know the link...
    I am trying to remember the first time I met Willie, think it was during Boys of Company C, back in 1978. Could any of you provide more info or has Nick done anything? Would appreciate email so I can include everyone's articles. Is Willie out there, or DID he go Pro?


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