Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cannabis sativa hemp oil, contains the cure for cancer and other ailments.

Cannabis sativa, the cure for cancer and other ailments. In blacklisting Marijuana a great herb and medicine is banned from the healing market. The product is SO much linked to junkies and criminals that the benefits became totally out of side.

But there's a difference between Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil...
Hemp seed oil is made from the seeds only while Hemp oil is a product from the entire plant.

en PatiëntenGroepMedicinaleCannabisGebruikers PGMCG

How to make your own drops..


After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil  cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge, curing and controlling literally hundreds of people’s illnesses… but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine – leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments – and leaving Rick with unconsitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana. 

  There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of scientific studies showing cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), as well as whole plant formulations, are effective against any disease you can think of. Here are just a few conditions that science has proven cannabinoids are therapeutically active against:  Arthritis, Cancer, Crohn's, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, MS, Parkingson's, Glaucoma... 

Click here to see an incredibly extensive list of scientific studies (700) !!! and news reports about cannabis medication. 

 how-hemp-oil-cures-cancer (CBD/THC)


Therapeutic Hemp Oil

by Andrew Weil, M.D.

Click Here to Buy Eating Well for Optimum Health: The Essential Guide to Food, Diet, and Nutrition

The nutritional composition of oil from the marijuana plant could be beneficial to your health. To most people, Cannabis sativa is synonymous with marijuana, but the plant's Latin name means the "useful hemp." Species designated sativa (useful) are usually among the most important of all crops. In fact, the utility of hemp is manifold: the plant has provided human beings with fiber, edible seeds, an edible oil, and medicine, not just a notorious mind-altering drug.
In our part of the world, these other uses of hemp are no longer familiar. We rarely use hemp fiber and know little about hemp medicine. Some cancer patients have found it to be a superior remedy for the nausea caused by chemotherapy, and some people with multiple sclerosis are grateful for its relaxant effects on spastic muscles. Hemp seed is sometimes an ingredient in bird food; otherwise, edible products from Cannabis sativa were virtually unknown.
This is all changing. In many parts of the country, promoters of hemp cultivation are working to educate people about the immense potential of this plant and to reintroduce it into commerce. They champion hemp as a renewable source of pulp for the manufacture of paper, as a superior fiber for making cloth, and as a new food that can be processed into everything from a milk substitute to a kind of tofu.
Hemp seeds contain 25% high quality protein and 40% fat in the form of an excellent quality oil. Hemp oil is just now coming on the market. Produced by the Ohio Hempery in Athens, Ohio, it will be sold through natural food stores in small, opaque bottles to be kept under refrigeration. It has a remarkable fatty acid profile, being high in the desirable omega-3s and also delivering some GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) that is absent from the fats we normally eat. Nutritionally oriented doctors believe all of these compounds to be beneficial to health.
Hemp oil contains 57% linoleic (LA) and 19% linolenic (LNA) acids, in the three-to-one ratio that matches our nutritional needs. These are the essential fatty acids (EFAs)-so called because the body cannot make them and must get them from external sources. The best sources are oils from freshly ground grains and whole seeds, but EFAs are fragile and quickly lost in processing. EFAs are the building blocks of longer chain fats, such as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that occur naturally in the fat of cold-water fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon, bluefish, herring, and, to a lesser extent, tuna.
Adding these foods to the diet seems to lower risks of heart attacks because omega-3 fatty acids reduce the clotting tendency of the blood and improve cholesterol profiles. They also have a natural anti-inflammatory effect that makes them useful for people with arthritis and autoimmune disorders.

Hemp oil contains more EFAs than flax and actually tastes good. It is nutty and free from the objectionable undertones of flax oil. I use it on salads, baked potatoes, and other foods and would not consider putting it in capsules.
Like flax oil, hemp oil should be stored in the refrigerator, used quickly, and never heated. Unlike flax oil, hemp oil also provides 1.7% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). There is controversy about the value of adding this fatty acid to the diet, but many people take supplements of it in the form of capsules of evening primrose oil, black currant oil, and borage oil. My experience is that it simulates growth of hair and nails, improves the health of the skin, and can reduce inflammation.
I like the idea of having one good oil that supplies both omega-3s and GLA, without the need to take more capsules.
One of the questions that people are sure to ask about hemp oil is whether it has any psychoactivity. The answer is no. The intoxicating properties of Cannabis sativa reside in a sticky resin produced most abundantly in the flowering tops of female plants before the seeds mature. The main psychoactive compound in this resin is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Strains of hemp grown for oil production have a low resin content to begin with, and by the time the seeds are ready for harvest, resin production has dropped even further. Finally, the seeds must be cleaned and washed before they are pressed.
As a result,

  A second question that people may ask is, "Is hemp(seed)oil illegal?" The oil itself is perfectly legal. Hemp seeds are allowed in commerce if they have been sterilized in some way to prevent germination. This is usually done by subjecting them to heat.
Obviously, there is a political dimension to the appearance of this product. For many years, Cannabis sativa has been stigmatized as a satanic plant and its cultivation has been prohibited. As an ethnobotanist interested in the relationships between plants and human beings, I have always felt that making plants illegal was stupid, especially when the objects of these actions are supremely useful plants like hemp. The plant is not responsible for human misuse of it.
The efforts of companies in the hemp industry and other groups to promote hemp cultivation are part of a campaign to rehabilitate this plant and change society's view of it. Whether or not you wish to join that campaign, it must seem counterproductive to deny ourselves access to the many benefits that hemp offers. Of those, the gift of an edible oil with superior nutritional and therapeutic properties is one of the most important.
If you have a chance to try hemp oil, a long forgotten, newly rediscovered food, I think you will see why I am enthusiastic about it.
Andrew Weil teaches at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, has a private medical practice, and is the author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine.

Penicillin of the 21st century
Answers to the question if cannabis cures or if it's a drug greatly differ. Yet the last years' results of the scientific teams in the whole world say that as long as hemp is applied correctly and moderately as a treatment of people that do not use it for other things than healing, it could act positively on many diseases including cancer.

''Just like penicillin was considered miraculous medicine of the 1940's, even hemp could become a miraculous cure of the 21st century in the end,'' says Lester Grinspoon, ex-professor of the faculty of medicine at Harvard University, active member of the organization for legalization of the effects of marijuana and author of the book Marihuana - forbidden medicine.

''Marijuana is remarkably non-toxic, having a wide range of medical applications and if it was legal it would also be inexpensive,''
declares Grinspoon.

New hope for cancer
  British medical doctors confirmed positive effects of hemp in the treatment of the Crohn's disease. The research proves that hemp alleviates pain, restores appetite and reduces the need for taking usual meds. The products of healing hemp cosmetic help with the on-going dermal problems and difficulties. Also the scientists noted positive effects of marihuana during arthrosis treatment. The Swiss medical doctors also confirmed the effects on atherosclerosis. Their study showed that cannabis reduces clogging of blood vessels. In glaucoma, which is one of the most common causes of blindness, it was proven that cannabis can reduce intraocular pressure by up to fifty percent.

But that is not all - cannabis can have beneficial effects on asthma sufferers, it can improve condition of patients with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, helps in the treatment of AIDS and in up to 60 percent of epileptics. The latest research goes even further according to it cannabis helps even with cancer. American scientific team proved its anti-carcinogenic effects in 1947. Not only patients tolerate chemotherapy better with it, but some types of cancer can also be healed by it. If the effect is proved by tests that are currently being performed by a team of Spanish medical doctors, cannabis could be a new hope for oncology.

Lesser evil than meds
Despite the proven positive effects adverse reactions can also occur - depression, anxiety, paranoia and memory impairment - which should be considered before treatment. ''Compared to many drugs that doctors prescribe it is a harmless substance,'' said Professor Abrams, University of California. ''This is not a harmless drug, but is far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco,'' says Professor Grinspoon already quoted.
Cannabis should in no case be consumed in large - positive effects on those who have more experience with the drug were not observed. In any case there is a new hope that cannabis, a drug known already for five thousand years, will cause a revolution in the 21st century.

CANNABIS, medicine of the 21st century?
  Cannabis in Latin, mostly known as marihuana, boo or hashish comes from Himalayas. It has been known for thousands of years for its healing effect, but only now it attracts attention of medical doctors all around the world. It can do wonders, being used in patients with defined diagnosis, even in treatment of serious and otherwise incurable diseases.

  The hemp, together with hop belongs to a hemp subfamily, it is an annual dioecious herb that can be classified within 3 basic categories'' sown hemp (Cannabis sativa), Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) and a weed hemp (Cannabis ruderalis). These 3 types differ in appearance and growth - some of them may reach the height of up to 6 meters and in content of the efficient substance of THC. It has its origin in Asia, on the western sides of Himalayas.
In its dry form it is classified as drug. The mixture of the dried leaves and footstalks altogether with the petals became commonly known as marihuana, whilst the resin, obtained from female plants and being 6 times more efficient, is known as hashish. 

(More links NL/ENG)




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  2. Sarah Kyle

    I am so grateful to cancer centre London for providing me with Hemp oil here in the Ireland. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 9 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post on cancer centre London could provide Hemp Oil without delay,i contacted them via email londoncancercentre@gmail.com for the procurement of this oil medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 3 working days and i have been on treatment for the past 2 months. i am now here to testify that i am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my life,for all cancer patients get your hemp oil for cure.

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  7. I still don't know the right words to express my Gratitude to Rick Simpson and his wonderful cannabis oil that cured my ailment. In May this year i was diagnosed of Melanoma Cancer, it affected my Skin, intestines and eye.. i went for treatment but to no avail, my family advised the rick hemp oil for my ailment, at first i didn't want to purchase the oil, because i had doubts about it curing my cancer, but after reading about it and doing researches online, i succumbed to the idea, and indeed it was a wonderful one, the cannabis oil successfully cured my cancer!!! after Three months.
    Now i am Hale and Healthy........ you can contact Rick Simpson on

    email: Beforemedicalservice@yahoo.com
    For your own medication.

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  12. My Friend's Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the high Quality CBD oil gotten from drdonaldhealthcare. Cannabis oil is such a great medication.
    To hell with the government and their insane policy, Dr Donald have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don’t need to spend so much money anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t just work.

    Cannabis oil is full of CBD and cannaboids which are healing and repairing components..they help immune system as well as pain..THC works in the blood stream helps kill cancer cells and stunts growth of tumors.

    Where to purchase, contact via > drdonaldhealthcare@gmail.com

    My Friend,s Family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony. This also works on seizures, chronic pains, e.t.c

    Make your health a better one by using CBD oil in your everyday life.

    contact Dr Donald for all type of cancer Cure.

    thanks to Dr Donald

  13. My name is Lucia from USA , It is with
    pleasure that i thank Dr. Kingsley for saving
    my dying husband with his hemp oil.
    We already lost hope for a better state, the report came
    that my husband cannot go for more Chemo
    anymore. But after so many research online, I
    gained a lot about the hemp oil that i bought
    from Dr. Kingsley whose contact I got online
    on reading a testimony about his past works and success, The medication was delivered to me within
    24 hours by the UPS delivery service after
    procurement. My husband has completed his
    treatment, unquenchable joy to all as my husband
    is cured of his stage 4 lungs cancer within 90 days
    of treatment. Thanks to all, today i acknowledge
    the greatness of hemp oil and to those that
    wish to purchase the medication contact Dr. Kingsley at: kingsleysolutionhome@gmail.com
    Hemp Oil is the only medication for cancerous

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    Hi, My husband was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of the appendix, which is a rare cancer and very hard to diagnose if your Dr. is not familiar with it, which many are not. I have also read that ovarian cancer many times starts with this cancer and spreads to the ovaries and is misdiagnosed. This is one of the reasons I'm telling his story because I want women to know this. His cancer is also called mucinosis peritoneal cancer of the appendix. He started having pain in his upper right side. He went to the ER and they said he had some kind of lung infection. They gave him antibiotics and sent him home. Well, he took the antibiotics and his pain was getting worst. He went back to the ER and they gave him another diagnosis and sent him home again with another medication to take. Well it wasn't long this time before he went back and this time they finally took xray's and said he had pneumonia and put him in the hospital. They ran a cat scan and the doctor saw something peculiar on the film. They did exploratory surgery and when they opened him up all this mucus came pouring out of his abdomen. His appendix had ruptured and their was only the outside core of it left. The mucinosis adenocarcinma of the appendix. His stomach had been bloated for a long time and tight. We all just thought he was overweight but it was the cancer spewing this mucus all inside his belly. The doctors have never heard of this cancer before. So he was scheduled for surgery in Richmond. He had surgery and it was too late after we found out he shouldn't have had it until another treatment had been performed called heated in-peritoneal chemo. This is a treatment for this type of cancer where they heat several types of chemo to a high temp. and open your abdomen up and pour it inside and roll it around all the organs. This is done also after what they call debunking( removal of tumors) The Dr has to be careful not to spill any blood because in the blood are these cancer cells that if any unaffected part of your body is touched by the blood a tumor will grow. So after much research done, i came came across cannabis oil treatment for cancer and we were desperate to try anything to save his life. We bought the cannabis oil from London cancer centre via londoncancercentre@gmail.com and we were given prescription on how to use the oil to treat Adenocarcinoma of the appendix. After using this oil for few weeks, there was great changes and the cancer was totally cured after using the oil for the duration as instructed by the centre.

    Susan Hudson

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    My father has been suffering from lung cancer and the doctor told us that there nothing he could do after doing 5 times chemotherapy and radiation and my father was not responding to treatment and not getting better.i was frustrated and confused and seeking advice from people until a friend told me about the cannabis oil and its fast curing ability of any kind of cancer and told me that her mother inlaw ovarian cancer was cured with the cannabis oil. I was desperate to save my father and contacted London Cancer Centre via londoncancercentre@gmail.com to get this miraculous oil. So far so good my father is responding to treatment of cannabis oil and the health condition have improved drastically for good.

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  67. In 2012 I accidentally stumbled upon the movie "Run from the Cure" on YouTube. I was very skeptical when I initially heard that cannabis could cure cancer. Like everyone, I assumed that if there was a cure for cancer it wouldn't be kept quiet. After countless hours of watching videos and reading through articles and studies I began to change my opinion. There was so much science behind cannabis and its effects on cancer I couldn't believe it.

    Last year, my uncle was looking for help. He had stage 4 cancer in his stomach, throat and pancreas. Over the course of about 5-6 weeks from when he was diagnosed, he became so sick he could no longer eat and he lost over 60lbs. He was actually supposed to be dead before Christmas and when I talked with him he was given about 3 weeks to live.

    He had been given radiation the month before he contacted me and he and his doctor were hopeful that would help. But instead of helping it seemed to make his cancer worse. So instead of trying to continue to help my uncle, his doctor told him he was sorry but the cancer had spread too much and there was nothing left to do for him. His doctor simply told him to go home and die.

    It has been over a year and my uncle is still ALIVE. Although there is no recorded proof, we can only go off of what we have seen for our own eyes: suppressed cancer, Improved immune function, and his weight is now normal. We learned that when it comes to the people you care about who's life is on the line, you can't always depend on others, especially doctors to go out of their way.

    One piece of advice I offer from his experience is to follow the dosage instructions. My uncle took about 10 times the recommended dose his first time. The only side effect he experienced was sleep but since he was not used to the effects of the oil it caused him to feel uncomfortable. He slept 8 hours straight. Tommy Chong did the same thing and took a large amount more than is recommended and explained his feeling like a "coma" because it was very hard to come out of the sleepiness to get up and move around.

    I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what he went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication via Email: phoenixtearsoil8@gmail.com. Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden
    who guided us throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!

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