Monday, December 6, 2010

Medicinal Marijuana vs Tobacco and Alcohol.

 And still people keep calling it a drug. It's NOT. It's a medicinal herb, a natural product that cures and prevents. It's NOT addictive nor toxic. If legalized it would be the safest and cheapest medicine available. Farmacy industry isn't amused at all. They rather see you use their poisonous pills causing a variaty of side-effects. And yes, you need to take pills again to fight those side effects....!  

  There are a lot of components in the Cannabisplant. Common knows is the factor THC, as in Tetra Hydro Cannabinol. Up to now 70 !!! kinds of different THC's were found and varying contents of CBC, CBD, CBN, CBG and THCV  and their associated by-products. The CBD is the ingredient one is looking for when creating medicine for the sick, particularly inflammatory diseases. And then there are the Terpenes..! 
If you walk into a garden in bloom and breathe deeply, you are likely to encounter great smells. In many cases, the molecules that bring those scents to your nose are the terpenes. Terpenes are a class of molecules that typically contain either ten or fifteen carbon atoms built from a five-carbon building block called isoprene . It is important to note these molecules are volatile —they tend to evaporate relatively easily—which allow them to reach one's nose and trigger the olfactory senses. Ever been in a Pinewood. Well I guess everybody knows how a christmas tree smells... Hmmm, I wouldn't mind to stroll around in a Weedwood...

Cannabis - Alcohol - Tobacco


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