Thursday, March 17, 2011

Full Moon, march 19, 2011.

We are about to experience the biggest full moon in the sky for 19 years.

The moon is not actually bigger, it’s just closer, and what’s more it doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you’ll be able to see the lunar phenomena.
It happens on March 19, 2011.

The date falls on a Saturday and providing atmospheric conditions allow, for example, no cloud, you will witness a moon (and a full one at that!) some 14 percent bigger and 32 percent brighter than normal. This is because the moon is on a elliptical orbit. That is not an orbit that forms a perfect circle. So, on occasion it will pass the earth on a close approach, known as a perigee. When it is at its furthest approach it is known as an apogee.
The major concern for some is that the moon’s perigee will cause severe weather phenomona such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. The moon being so close will have an immense pull on the earth it will affect the tides possibly causing flood damage and some land erosion.
The moon affects all the world’s water and there is much water beneath the earth’s crust. Waterways, underground rivers and sea caverns are also likely to be affected by the magnetic lunar pull, as are human beings themselves.

See Pix:

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