Ah, New Jersey: where good taste goes to die.
A Rahway, NJ family built this rather nice female nude out of snow on their lawn. It’s tasteful, artistic and somewhat accomplished, right? Of course, being New Jersey, neighbors complained about the nudity. And by “neighbors complained” I mean that the police showed up, and forced the family to cover-up the sculpture. Isn’t it good to know that your values are being protected?
Will this post make it through the NJ censor or will I be accused of publicing porn.. ?
For your info, here's the 'real' Venus.
( hm, compaired with this torso I must admit that the snowbust has more..how you may call it ? OMG. she turns me on...!)
( hm, compaired with this torso I must admit that the snowbust has more..how you may call it ? OMG. she turns me on...!)
C'mon concervative souls, stap down to earth. Save your protests for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ban the gun, stop racial discrimination. But don't make yourself rediculous and the risee of the rest of the world to protest against a snow ass..
Betcha they do make a law to "protect the children". Makes me want to hurl. C'mon all you lemmings out there, cause ya know the Government is so much better at parenting.