Friday, August 6, 2010

Fight cancer with correct food..........!!!

Once I heard the expression:
What you eat is what you are..!
And actually that's true, our food forms the bricks that build our body, and when those bricks are built of inferior material a weak building will be the result..


Professor Jane Plant is an eminent geologist. In 1987, aged 42, she was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time. Five years later the cancer returned and for 4 more times  – and, as she explains in her book Your Life in Your Hands, this was “despite a radical mastectomy 3 further operations, 35 radiotherapy treatments, several chemotherapy treatments and irradiation of my ovaries to induce the menopause”.

The doctors gave her three months to live.
 Jane explained   – in very unscientific terms – how it is that she has been cancer-free since 1992. At the time she discovered the last cancerous lump in her neck, colleagues in China – where she had worked – happened to send her an atlas detailing the different cancers found across that country.
. Looking at it, she realised that breast cancer (and prostate cancer) were virtually unknown throughout China at that time – one death in 100,000 women, as opposed to one in 10 in some western countries.

Why should that be?
The answer had to be found in the diet of the Chinese – no dairy food. Her diet became totally dairy-free but full of food containing cancer protective ingredients; she was careful to reduce her intake of hormones and chemicals from food; and altogether changed her lifestyle.
The large cancerous lump in her neck disappeared within five weeks and no cancer has ever returned.
Her “day-job” as a scientist gave her the ability to research the components of the food we eat, particularly discovering that milk proteins find their way into a good many products; to analyse the nutrients required to help the body withstand treatment and stay cancer-free; to understand the effects of chemicals used in food processing etc, etc. Hence, the Plant Programme ( was born and, using it alongside conventional medicine, Jane has helped innumerable women and men to combat breast and prostate cancers – often not just stopping the cancer but reversing the disease’s path into secondaries and preventing it from returning.
Her book Eating for Better Health has just been published and the information about food, the scientific evidence to support it, and the case studies in Your Life in Your Hands make compelling reading. Rather than using the word “cancer”, Jane prefers the description “cells behaving badly”. I would agree with her. The word “cancer” definitely carries the connotation of pain and death and is, therefore, a terrifying word.
One fascinating fact is that Jane is not the least bit surprised that Megrahi – the Libyan bomber recently returned to his country because he was suffering from prostate cancer and had only months left to live – is still very much alive. She predicted that, once Megrahi was not eating the Scottish prison diet but was back on more Mediterranean-style food, he would do much better. She has been proved to be correct.
 Credits to Judith Potts.

Please read the next articles
and don't be surprised by the powerful benefits of it...!!


1 comment:

  1. Da secoli è noto che mangiare pezzi di cadaveri di innocenti e giusti animali viene punito dalla natura con tremende malattie. Ma i carnivori italiani non vogliono capire e tentano di deridere vegetariani e vegani. Questo dimostra quel che diceva Einstein: "La stupidità umana è infinita".


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