The best way to burn calories is to work-out. Not only to burn calories, but you're building and shaping your body at the same time. Your heart will get an exercise and your lungs will do double time, your muscles grow. And last but not least: you will feel fit and healthy.
When you have serious back, neck or joint problems you should go for basic stretching and bending first, to repair your intervertebral discs.!!!
I use it for many years already, it's really a multi-functional device.
Torture-table on the background.
The spring I use is from an old Aprilla motorbike ( shock-absorber), so are the bars. Have it welded together and you get yourself a nice piece to bend. When you buy one in the store, be sure it's a thick spring, you're gonna need it....
The exercise is to bend the spring,: 1. Hold your hands in front of you and bend. 2. Do the same with straight arms. 3. Hold your hands up (like a hold-up) and bend the spring above your head. 4. Same as 3, but try to get your elbows and fists together 5. Hold the spring behind your back and bend
..This one is made in just minutes:
This is a 5 ltr jerry can and a piece a rope (1mtr) and a round stick.
1. Put 2 ltr of water (or less when it's your first time) in the can, arms straight forward and wind up the rope, back 'nd forth. At least 3 times, but try more...(don't hold breath) 2. Hold the container with both hands in front of you and shake it,4 times/sec or faster, a. from left to right ( try with, [almost] , straight arms) b. shake it up 'n down vertically, ( try with, [almost], straight arms ) c. shake it horizontally towards you,
After a few weeks/months you can add water to the can...
The next exercise needs 2 jerrycans or 2 bottles, (half filled with water, it's the moving water that creates the 'G-powers' ).More effective than iron weights.! 1. Spread your arm sideways and pretend y're a small bird making rapid wing moves, vertically and horizontally.
Do NOT hold your breath during the shaking...!!!
The stepping machines, that'll burn some great and you don't have to leave the house....
A 10 minutes brisk walk will give a satisfying result and gives you a cardio-vasculair training.
Play your favorite music, find a beat that fits your routine. Singing out loud ( while training !) is a very pleasant extra, but it's a damn breathing exercise as well, be sure not to get filmed and exposed on YouTube...;-)
..always keep your air pipe open, don't put any pressure on your throat, your abdomen should do the job !!!
.Workout a TotalGym
The Total gym is adjustable to your wishes, I prefer the highest and heaviest position. Sometimes I even put the gym on a chair to make it heavier..
But when you are starter, or you've been sick for a while, go for a lower inclination. Check your pulse after every exercise.
Just look at those exercises and you'll see it's good, it really works. You are working with your own weight. The slope of the 'seat ' stipulates the resistance you create.
Chuck Norris is the big promoter for this Gym, but this guy is giving such an enthusiastic and easy to understand work-out. Watch this:
If you have gained weight, you are getting more calories than you burn in a day.
Each time you feel the urge to eat something, drink a glass of water......!!!!
When we look at food as filler or a snack, we tend to eat more than we need. However, if we look at food as energy or fuel (which is what it is), we can learn to eat only the amount we need. Let's look at the basic types of food you will need to eat to lose weight.
* Proteins: Everyone needs protein of some sort. Although meat is the most common form of protein, even vegetarians and vegans need protein. Beef is a great protein, but it should only be eaten in moderation if you are trying to lose pounds. This is because it tends to be higher in fat than other meats. Poultry and fish are both excellent foods to eat when you want to lose weight. * Nuts ( not peanuts !!)also provide protein, in a tasty package. They are actually good for you and can give you the healthy fats that you will still need to consume. Eggs and beans are also full of protein. * Fiber: This helps your colon remain clean and keeps food moving along. If you are seriously looking for foods to eat in order to lose weight, here are some crucial suggestions. Vegetables are often high in fiber; broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, and many other veggies are prime examples. If you get bored with the same vegetables every night, shake things up by making them into a casserole or stuffing peppers. * Do not bother with processed grains or white rice; these have next to zero nutritional value. Instead, go for whole grain foods (but not if you are counting carbohydrates). A sprinkling of bran would add an extra boost of fiber to those veggie muffins, as well. * Fruits can also provide fiber. Strawberries, apples, and oranges are well known for being rich in fiber. Fruits are some of the easiest foods to eat to lose weight - they are luscious and there are plenty of choices. If you choose to eat oranges, don't peel off all that white membrane surrounding the fruit. That part has the highest fiber content of all. If you are counting carbohydrates, go for low carbohydrate fruits such as berries. * If you make the changes suggested on this page, you will find that your menu is always exciting. The best part will be losing weight as you enjoy these healthy foods. * Protein - it is a thermic food and it can actually help you get in shape quickly. Fiber/veggies - fibers are a very good food choice as they give minimal calories for good quantity of food. Therefore, you will have a filled feeling with fewer calories. Having some good carbs like wheat, oats in breakfast and after workout can help you replenish glycogen in muscle and keep you energetic for the workout and in turn you can burn more calories. But don't take much carbs in non-active hours. *Eliminate refined (processed) carbohydrates). Eat a meal about every three waking hours (5 or 6 meals per day). You will not be eating more food; you will simply be spreading it throughout the day. Each of those five or six small feedings should contain at least 15 grams of unprocessed protein (from natural sources) for a female or at least 20 grams per feeding for a male. This will speed up your metabolism and help to curb any food cravings.
Consume things that have no calories. There are two things you eat and drink that contain no calories: water and fiber. The more of these you get into your diet, the better off you will be. For example, you can eat a pound of mixed salad greens with assorted raw vegetables (carrots, red cabbage, celery, broccoli, onion, etc.) with a low or no-calorie salad dressing and only have eaten 100-150 calories. This is because of the high water and fiber content of the salad and low calorie dressing. Also, eat lots of celery. It has only 8 calories, but amazingly, it takes more than 8 calories to digest it. So, you actually BURN calories by eating celery! It's not much, about 2 calories per 8 inch stalk, but it sure doesn't hurt.
* Avoid sodas as much as possible. Instead, drink (flavored) water or unsweetened iced tea. Caffeine, when placed in a low-calorie beverage like black coffee or unsweetened tea, raises your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories. Too much caffeine has harmful health effects, though, so be reasonable in your consumption if you choose to have caffeine.
Each time you feel the urge to eat something, drink a glass of water......
There is a unique combination of vitamins, minerals and other healthy substances in each juice. You just need to know what juice to choose to treat your health problems.
Apple juicehelps with obesity and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, gallstones and kidney stones, chronic colitis, gout and dysentery. It is very good for people with high mental activity. Apricot juice strengthens the heart muscles. Drinking it regularly will help with heart arrhythmia. Beet juiceis great for constipation, anemia and heart andalimentary canal diseases. It cleanses your body and lowers blood pressure. Start taking it in small doses (1 table spoon) or mix it with carrot juice. Gradually decrease the amount of carrot juice in the mix. Keep beet juice in your refrigerator for a few hours before drinking. Black currant juice is great for lack of vitamins, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, bronchitis, flu and angina. It fights viruses, strengthens your immune system and is very rich in vitamin C. Cabbage juice is used for gastritis with low acidity, stomach ulcers and liver and spleen diseases. It strengthens blood vessels; stimulates cell regeneration of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, returns fat metabolism back to normal and helps with healing sores. Carrot juiceimproves vision, strengthens your body and helps you recover after severe disease or mental or physical exhaustion. It heals stomach ulcers and helps with anemia, cancer and tuberculosis. Carrot juice will increase your appetite and strengthen your teeth and your immune system. Cherry juice helps with constipation, improves your metabolism, strengthens your immune system, increases your appetite and is used to clear your throat if you cough. Cucumber juice returns blood pressure to normal and improves the health of your teeth, gums, nails and hair. It is used as a diuretic. A mix of cucumber juice and carrot juice will help with rheumatism and will prevent atherosclerosis and parodontosis. The mix will also improve your memory. More on Cucumbers, click here. Grape juice helps with fatigue and stress. It cleanses kidneys and the liver and lowers cholesterol. Grapefruit juiceis a natural remedy for insomnia. It lowers cholesterol and returns your blood pressure to normal. Orange juice is a powerful natural anti carcinogenic and anti cancerous remedy. Peach juice strengthens heart muscles and cures heart arrhythmia. It helps with anemia and gastritis intensification. Pear juice has anti inflammatory effect and helps with kidney stones. Pineapple juice is good for the kidney and liver function and has bromelain that is a natural fat burner and helps to rejuvenate your body. Also, pineapple juice is recommended for treating angina. Pomegranate juice is great for recovering after serious disease or surgery and helps with anemia. Red currant juiceis recommended forthecardiovascular system, ulcer, skin diseases, rheumatism, a cold, and gout and gravel disease. Tomato juiceis great for dieting and strengthens your immune system. It has minerals, micro elements and natural antioxidants vitamins A and C. Watermelon juice is great with treating edemas connected to cardiovascular and kidney problems.
No I didn't forget on my favorite 'vegetable', here it is:
Cannabis Sativa is medicine and hope for a dying planet....
Marijuana, marihuana also known as Mary Jane, pot, reefer, grass, ganja, damo, 'a smoke', weed or bhang, is a non-toxic, non-addictive herbal plant that humans have used in a wide variety of applications from our earliest recorded history. Marijuana’s legacy includes a colorful history of diverse peoples and their intimate relationships with “Mary Jane.” From medicine to biomass, this environmentally friendly bush continues to contribute to world culture in countless ways rarely acknowledged in the pages of “politically correct” media.
Marijuana is a woody, herbaceous annual. One of the hardiest plants on the planet, it uses sunlight so efficiently that it grows from twelve to twenty feet in a single season. It is a dioecious member of the Sativa family. A dioecious plant displays of male and/or female characteristics on a single plant. The existence of male and female characteristics on the same stalk-a condition known as hermaphroditism, means that a species is capable of self-pollination, a great advantage in terms of propagation.
The male of the species, better known as hemp, is the most versatile plant on the planet. Most famous for its use as rope, hemp is the strongest, most, durable, natural fiber available. The seed of the hemp plant is a complete source of vegetable protein. Hemp as biomass creates an environmentally safe, renewable, sustainable source of energy. Paper made from hemp hurds is more durable than wood pulp products and does not deplete the soil. On a large scale, conversion to biomass as fuel would reduce acid rain and reverse the effects of devastating greenhouse gasses.
Hemp’s famous, and, more controversial sister produces beautiful, therapeutic flowers, which may be eaten or smoked. These flowering tops, laden with resin-rich THC [tetrahydracannabinol], offer a wide range of non-toxic healing properties, The fact that marijuana delivers anti-spasmodic properties when smoked makes it extremely valuable for those people affected by the “wasting syndrome.” This syndrome, often associated with the side effects of cancer and AIDS, prevents people from swallowing much need medication.
Marijuana has historically played a vital economic role in the economic development of American society. The United States Census of 1850 counted 8327 hemp “plantations that grew hemp for cloth, canvass and cordage. Ben Franklin built and operated one of America’s paper mills for use with hemp. From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century most copies of the Bible were written on hemp paper.
Ironically, President George W. Bush, who devoted much of the country’s resources to eradicating the plant, benefited greatly from hemp in World War Two. Little did the President realize, that as he bailed out of his airplane, that the engine was lubricated with hemp oil, his parachute was made of hemp, the rigging of the rescue ship was hemp, the fire hoses were made of hemp and finally the stitching of his military shoes were hemp.
This ancient plant is a gift to the planet. Human beings aside, no other life form offers the tremendous healing potential of Cannabis Sativa. For thousands of years, indigenous cultures have exploited the multi-faceted goodness of this noble plant. Now, due to a lengthy, expensive smear campaign subsidized by the government and other moneyed interests, too many people languish in jails and in sickness due to public ignorance and apathy. This imprisonment of innocent people, and this sacred plant lies heavy on our shoulders. Without enlightenment, society perpetuates their suffering.
Maijuana can reduce allergic skin reactions.
Researchers have found in animal trials that a compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is naturally occurring in Cannabis sativa, is the active ingredient in the plant, to treat allergy and auto-immune disorders.
For example, he exposed the ears of mice with normal endo-cannabinoid receptors to a chemical irritant called dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), which causes a severe skin reaction similar to that caused by poison ivy in humans.
Within a matter of minutes, the amount of an endocannabinoid called anandamide jumped from undetectable levels to about 300 picomoles per gram of analysed tissue.
When Zimmer's team applied 30 micrograms of synthetic THC to the animals' ears it reduced the skin irritation by half. For comparison, a cannabis cigarette contains as much as 150 milligrams of THC.
Such endocannabinoids are also produced by the body itself and individuals with (autoimmune) inflammatory conditions such as asthma and eczem might not produce enough such endocannabinoids. In these cases, THC-like compounds may have therapeutic potential.
Ryan Collerd for The New York Times:Louis Centanni smokes marijuana daily for relief from the tics of Tourette’s syndrome.
“There’s one thing that helps my Tourette’s more than anything, and it’s marijuana,” says Louis Centanni, the 24-year-old actor and comedian featured in Patient Voices: Tourette’s Syndrome. Dr. Robert A. King and Dr. James F. Leckman of the Yale School of Medicine, who recently joined the Consults blog to answer readers’ questions about Tourette’s, here respond to readers asking about the use of marijuana for easing the tics, vocalizations and jerking movements of the syndrome.
Is Marijuana Effective for Tourette’s?
Clinical studies have shown that marijuana can be effective in relieving the symptoms of this disease:…Paul Kuhn, Nashville
"A number of individuals with severe Tourette’s regularly use marijuana and report that it calms them and eases their tics. And a few randomized clinical trials of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, have been carried out. Some of the investigators are convinced that THC and related compounds in marijuana called cannabinoids are helpful; others are more equivocal.
The most comprehensive review to date of the efficacy of cannabinoids in Tourette’s comes from a research group in Britain, the Cochrane Collaboration, that reviewed all the available data. They found that “the improvements in tic frequency and severity were small and were only detected by some of the outcome measures.” The group concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the use of cannabinoids in treating tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior in people with Tourette’s syndrome.
In addition, regular use of marijuana also has potential physical and psychological side effects, including apathy, depression or even psychosis in vulnerable individuals. As with other drugs, suitability depends on the patient, and risks and benefits must be weighed. We certainly wouldn’t recommend it for adolescents.
As for mode of action, there is a growing scientific literature concerning the body’s ability to make substances called endocannabinoids, which resemble the active compounds in marijuana. Our bodies contain various enzymes that make these endogenous cannabinoids, and two specific types of receptors for these substances are distributed throughout our body, including the brain.
It appears that the cannabinoids can modulate major neurotransmitter systems in the brain – including those involving GABA and glutamine. These pathways provide one hypothesis for why marijuana sometimes has the effect of reducing tics."
Researchers in California have discovered that marijuana helps in preventing and fighting Alzheimer's disease more effectively than commercially marketed drugs.
The researchers said the discovery could lead to the creation of new drugs to fight Alzheimer's.
First let me say this: The researchers behind this brilliant discovery have either been stoned "when it hit them", or truly made the breakthrough discovery of the century. Provided that the century has just started though, and the research comes from California, it's probably both. So the news should have been titled "stoned researches make breakthrough discovery."
What matters is now it's official - marijuana is good for your health, and can help you prevent and fight Alzheimer's.
So next time you see someone smoking pot - he's not getting high, he's preventing Alzheimer's. Soon enough you'll hear around "Gee, I think grandpa's memory is not so sharp these days." "Yes, he's out of pot this week." And what matters is - many of us have been preventing Alzheimer's for years - we just didn't know about it. And the fact that we still don't have Alzheimer's is the best proof that marijuana really works wonders.
Cannabis may help keep Alzheimer's disease at bay.
In experiments, a marijuana-based medicine triggered the formation of new brain cells and cut inflammation linked to dementia. The researchers say that using the information to create a pill suitable for people could help prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's. Click next link.
For some sufferers, drugs can delay the progress of devastating symptoms such as memory loss and the erosion of ability to do everyday things such as washing.
However, there they do not work for everyone and, with the number of patients forecast to double in a generation, there is a desperate need for new treatments. The US researchers studied the properties of a man-made drug based on THC, the chemical behind the 'high' of cannabis. When elderly rats were given the drug for three weeks, it improved their memory, making it easier for them to find their way round a water maze, the Society for Neuroscience's annual conference heard yesterday (WEDS). Researcher Dr Yannick Marchalant said; 'Old rats are not very good at that task. When we gave them the drug, it made them a little better at that task.' Other experiments showed that the drug acts on parts of the brain involved in memory, appetite, pain and mood. The Ohio State University experiments also showed that the drug cut inflammation in the brain and may trigger the production of new neurons or brain cells. Researcher Professor Gary Wenk said: 'When we're young, we produce neurons and our memory works fine. 'When we age, the process slows down, so we have a decrease in new cell formation through normal ageing. 'You need these cells to come back and help form new memories and we found that this THC-like agent can influence the creation of these cells.' Although the drug used was not suitable for use in people, the results could aid the creation of new medicines for Alzheimer's. It is likely such a drug would be taken to prevent the disease, rather than treat it. Asked if those with a family history of Alzheimer's should smoke cannabis to prevent them developing the disease, Dr Wenk said: 'We're not saying that but it might actually work. 'What we are saying its that it appears that a safe, legal substance that mimics the important properties of marijuana can work on the brain to prevent memory impairments in ageing. So that's really hopeful.' Dr Marchalant added: 'We hope a compound can be found that can target both inflammation and neurogenesis, which would be the most efficient way to produce the best effects.' The medicinal properties of cannabis have already been harnessed to treat multiple sclerosis. Sativex, a cannabis-based drug, has been shown to ease the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, including pain, spasms, shaking, depression and anxiety. The Alzheimer's Society cautioned against using cannabis itself to stave off dementia. Professor Clive Ballard, the charity's director of research, said: 'There are encouraging findings from studies with animals suggesting that some cannabis derivatives may help protect nerve cells in the brain. 'We therefore look forward to robust clinical trials into potential benefits of non-psychoactive components of cannabis. 'It is important for people to note that these treatments are not same as recreational cannabis use..
Article printed from speakeasy:
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Lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits, according to an analysis of epidemiologic survey data published online
by the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
"Investigators at the University of Michigan reviewed the overall prevalence of drug-related emergency department (ED) visits among lifetime users of illicit substances. Researchers analyzed data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, which is a nationally representative survey of 43,093 residents age 18 or older. The study is the first to use nationally representative data to examine patterns and correlates of drug-related ED visits. Among those surveyed, subjects that reported using cannabis were the least likely to report an ED visit (1.71 percent). Respondents who reported lifetime use of heroin, tranquilizers, and inhalants were most likely (18.5 percent, 6.3 percent, and 6.2 percent respectively) to report experiencing one or more ED visits related to their drug use. Investigators concluded, “Marijuana was by far the most commonly used (illicit) drug, but individuals who used marijuana had a low prevalence of drug-related ED visits.”
A 2009 Swiss study published in journal BMC Public Health previously reported that the use of cannabis was inversely associated with injuries requiring hospitalization.
A prior case-control study conducted by the University of Missouri also reported an inverse relationship between marijuana use and injury risk, finding, “Self-reported marijuana use in the previous seven days was associated … with a substantially decreased risk of injury.”
Most recently, a RAND study reported thatfewer than 200 total patients were admitted to California hospitals in 2008 for “marijuana abuse or dependence.” By contrast, there are an estimated 73,000 annual hospitalizations in California related to the use of alcohol.
These findings belie the myth that adult marijuana use is a primary cause of hospitalizations or ED visits. The reality is that few if any therapeutic or psychoactive substances possess a safety profile comparable to cannabis.
For over 40 years already I've been interested in non-regular ways of healing. I've visited several continents and spent some years in Asia to learn more about martial arts and oriental healing. This blog is a collection of medical tips and advises, a guide to a healthier life, new and odd things. I also like to share some of my activities on the movie-sets during the 80's. And of course: the Raven's history..
Beasts of Bourbon - "Psycho"
Can Mary fry some fish, Mama
I'm as hungry as can be
Oh lordy, how I wish, Mama
You could keep the baby quiet 'cause my head's killing
I've seen my ex ...
Ernesto La Guardia
- Filipino actor
As the doctor in Mission Batangas (1968)
As the Mayor in Maharlika/Guerrilla Strike Force (dir. Jerry Hopper, 1970)
GRIZZLED ! Nature Fights Back...BIG Time
*'The Peng-Ultimate Big Game Predator'*
*A New Creature Feature / Mutant Monster Movie Production *
*From Writer / Director Rycke Foreman*
Nog een paar foto's van Jack
Voor de blognaam veranderd in Jack&James even de aandacht helemaal voor
Zijn Apie is voor Jack onmisbaar geworden. Te pas en te onpas wordt hij ...
SEARCH FOR WENG WENG: Week #2 update!
Dear friends and colleagues,
As you may have heard, I'm currently running a crowdfunding campaign to
finish my THE SEARCH FOR WENG WENG documentary -
Also, eat lots of celery. It has only 8 calories, but amazingly, it takes more than 8 calories to digest it. So, you actually BURN calories by eating celery! It's not much, about 2 calories per 8 inch stalk, but it sure doesn't hurt.
* Avoid sodas as much as possible. Instead, drink (flavored) water or unsweetened iced tea. Caffeine, when placed in a low-calorie beverage like black coffee or unsweetened tea, raises your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories. Too much caffeine has harmful health effects, though, so be reasonable in your consumption if you choose to have caffeine.
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