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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stolen countries and continents.

When the Europeans invaded America.(1)

I've written this article because Haïti is very much in the picture since januari 12, after the Earth quake.
This is the island where it all began...

Christoffer Columbus is said to be the first to discover the Americas. He thought he'd rounded the world and came to India, that's why he called the 'natives': Indians. This mistake was never corrected, nor was the date when he actually found the mainland of America.( not in 1492). Most of us know this history from the movie screen, told to us by Hollywood: John Wayne, the hero, killing the 'enemies', the Indians portrayed as animals, scalping the white while they were protecting their land from the foreign invaders from overseas. Columbus may be proclaimed the first European to step on American soil, he certainly wasn't the last. He brought the Spaniards. ( the Portuguese and British were not interested in his search for new territory).

He was given the Royal (Spanish) promise of 10% of the land he conquered !!!!!, He would be the Governor of the new territories 

Chris' 1st trip, he didn't reach the mainland...

The 'Originals' had no idea what was happening to them. They thought the new visitors were the long promised Gods from overseas.. As a matter of fact, he didn't find America yet, he first landed on the Bahama's, sailed to Cuba ( which he thought was Japan ) . Then he landed on Hispañola ( Haïti/Dom. Rep), now he was sure he had reached India..

Columbus lost his ship the Santa Maria on christmas day 1492,

Replica of the Sta. Maria.

...from the remainders the first settlement was built: La Navidad.
The 'Indians' made the mistake to show their gold and other minerals.

That's why he left 40 men behind on te island, to search for gold while he returned to Europe with the 2 remaining ships. The first settlement was a fact.

Within a year he returned to Hispañola with 17 ships and 1500 !! men. During this trip ( he came out a little south) he discovered Guadeloupe and Puerto Rico.

2nd trip

But the settlement La Navidad was no more, nor were is men. There must have been a conflict between the Natives and the 40 Spaniards, they were all dead..He started a war against the 'Indians' but it took him almost a year to find the gold mines. Most of the Taíno's were killed, the ones still alive became slaves in their own mines, not for long however, they died due to diseases that were imported from Europe....The Spaniards needed workers, that's why they started to bring cheap labourers from Africa. (to work on the cane fields, later also on the cotton fields .....that started around 1510.)
In the meantime a new settlement was built: Santo Domingo.
When Columbus returned to Spain again , he took a different route back and found Jamaica !
But he came back for a 3rd time in '98. This time he travelled more south and hit the mainland of South-America ( finally).

The 3rd trip where he finally hits mainland.
Back at his 'headquarters' at Hispañola he had to deal with mutiny and hate. All natives were killed. Columbus was arrested and ended up in jail in Spain for his dismanagement, not for long though, after 6 weeks he was released, and sent to the West for a 4th time. Hé, was the goose with the golden eggs, right...

The 4th trip
He left Europe in 1502. This time he wanted to find 'street Malaka' ( Marco Polo wrote about that), a passage between Malaïsia and Sumatra. Well, he came to Panama, there was no canal a that time so he couldn't find the passage, hehehehe....

What he found, were hostile 'Indians', and during the fights with these people his ships were severe damaged and he got pretty ill at that time, tropical fever hit him and he even was in coma for some time. On his way to Hispañola he shipwrecked and stranded in Jamaica. He sent 2 of his man to row all the way to Hispañola by cano. One way or another they made it, but it took a year before Christoffer was 'rescued' in 1504 and he returned to Europe the next year. He died in 1506.
At school we learned Columbus was a hero. But there are different stories. A former friend of Columbus, Bartolome de las Casas, firmly protested against his genocide. The American historian Howard Zinn even called him a conquistador.

In May 2006 an international conference was hold in Genua, following Columbus '500th anniversary day, The Columbus Simancas-document presented by the Spanish scholar Consuelo Varela revealed a copy of the lost document from 1500, written by the Spanish envoy Francisco Bobadilla about the Columbus' atrocities at Hispañola. The contents hit like a bomb, the black legend, (as the atrocities of the Spaniards in their colonies were called), gained truth quality...

The catholic majesties Ferdinand and Isabel are hold responsible for having this document hidden in a secret archive.............

A new continent was found, with gold and oil. A rush to the West from the European countries, Spain, Portugal, England, France and The Netherlands.

They created The Wild West, a cowboy country with guns and horses...( and dead Indians )


Monday, February 15, 2010

Neurofibromatosis, Facial tumor.

A Chinese man recovers from surgery that removed part of his facial tumours, which weigh more than 20 kilogrammes in total.

The neurofibromatoses are genetic disorders of the nervous system that primarily affect the development and growth of neural (nerve) cell tissues. These disorders cause tumors to grow on nerves and produce other abnormalities such as skin changes and bone deformities. Although many affected persons inherit the disorder, between 30 and 50 percent of new cases arise spontaneously through mutation (change) in an individual's genes. Once this change has taken place, the mutant gene can be passed on to succeeding generations. Scientists have classified the disorders as neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). NF1 is the more common type of the neurofibromatoses. In diagnosing NF1, a physician looks for changes in skin appearance, tumors, or bone abnormalities, and/or a parent, sibling, or child with NF1. Symptoms of NF1, particularly those on the skin, are often evident at birth or during infancy and almost always by the time a child is about 10 years old. NF2 is less common. NF2 is characterized by bilateral (occurring on both sides of the body) tumors on the eighth cranial nerve. The tumors cause pressure damage to neighboring nerves. To determine whether an individual has NF2, a physician looks for bilateral eighth nerve tumors and similar signs and symptoms in a parent, sibling, or child. Affected individuals may notice hearing loss as early as the teen years. Other early symptoms may include tinnitus (ringing noise in the ear) and poor balance. Headache, facial pain, or facial numbness, caused by pressure from the tumors, may also occur.

Is there any treatment?

Treatments for both NF1 and NF2 are presently aimed at controlling symptoms. Surgery can help some NF1 bone malformations and remove painful or disfiguring tumors; however, there is a chance that the tumors may grow back and in greater numbers. In the rare instances when tumors become malignant (3 to 5 percent of all cases), treatment may include surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. For NF2, improved diagnostic technologies, such as MRI, can reveal tumors as small as a few millimeters in diameter, thus allowing early treatment. Surgery to remove tumors completely is one option but may result in hearing loss. Other options include partial removal of tumors, radiation, and if the tumors are not progressing rapidly, the conservative approach of watchful waiting. Genetic testing is available for families with documented cases of NF1 and NF2. New (spontaneous) mutations cannot be confirmed genetically. Prenatal diagnosis of familial NF1 or NF2 is also possible utilizing amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling procedures.

Xu Yanlin,
body disfiguring tumors.

23 year old Chinese man Xu Yanlin lived like a hermit for 8 years because of tumors

23-year-old Xu Yanlin lived like a hermit in China for eight years because of body disfiguring tumors. 

23 year old Chinese man Xu Yanlin lived like a hermit for 8 years because of tumors

Yanlin was taunted for years because of this tongue-shaped tumur on his chest, but he finally has had an operation to have it removed.


The Chinese man was struck down by a condition that left his body covered in disfiguring lumps when he was a child. One of the lumps developed into the tongue-shaped tumor.

"CHILDREN see me and start crying,"

Jose Mestre mumbles sadly from behind the monstrous 12lb growth that is eating his face.

"They probably think I'm an animal. Why me, why has this happened to me?"
Jose has one of the most extreme facial tumours ever seen in medical history.
And the 51-year-old, from Portugal, is in danger of being suffocated by it unless he undergoes drastic surgery in 2008.
Unemployed Jose is blind in one eye as a result of the giant weeping growth that has consumed his features.
Lonely ... Jose


For years he has struggled to eat properly or carry out everyday tasks.
The tumour has taken over his mouth and tongue, ballooning his lips, twisting his gums and breaking his teeth off. The deep, 15cm long growth - which started as a birth mark when he was just 11 - was sparked by abnormalities in his capillaries and veins.
It started to get much bigger when he hit 16 and has been expanding ever since.It also bleeds frequently and most mornings Jose's pillow is covered with blood from the night before.
"My face is ugly but my heart is not," he pleads. "I just want people to understand who I am. I don't like to speak very much because I dribble all the time."
Jose lives in Lisbon and spends most of his days sitting in one of the city's main squares watching the world go by - as well as being gawped at by members of the public and quizzed about his face.
Many take photos on camera phones of the man known locally by the hurtful nickname 'StainedSkin.'
And his looks have also made him an unlikely 'celebrity' in the area.
Jose's condition went overlooked for years as a mixture of misdiagnosis and personal problems saw the years roll by without medical attention.
After his mother died several years ago, Jose's younger sister Guida, who has a 9-year-old daughter of her own, became his primary carer.
She balances life as a hairdresser with looking after him, ordering his food and being on call 24/7.
And Guida wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to her views on his treatment.

Recently Jose flew to the UK to discuss the possibility of surgery to remove part of the tumour.
But because his mother was a Jehovah's Witness, he refused any surgery because his religion means he can't have blood transfusions.
This made Guida fume and her brother's stubbornness led to her storming out of a surgeon's surgery.
Carer ... sister Guida looks after him
Carer ... sister Guida looks after him
"Die alone, not with me. For me, finished," she yelled as her frustration boiled over and her calls for him to take blood fell on death ears.
But soon after she was feeling much better as it seemed there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
Doctors in London came up with a plan to remove parts of the growth bit by bit - without transfusion.
And after days of uncertainty, Jose finally agreed to go under the knife after returning to Portugal to think it over.
He is expected to come back to the UK soon once a date is set for the operation which will transform his face - and his life - forever.
"I feel sad and annoyed," he says. "If it wasn't for the blood inside I would cut it myself.
"I get upset because people come up to me, take a photo and go.
"I want to be able to talk to my friends, speak to everybody and feel my eyes.
"And I would love to travel and see the world."

~~ ~~
Huang Liqian

This man from China finally had a huge tumour removed on 2007, after discovering it 17 years ago.

Huang Liqian, 58, first discovered a bizarre growth on the back of his neck in 1990, but chose to ignore it. However, as the years rolled on, it continued to increase in size at a rapid pace, with the growth ballooning to 15kg. Liqian was taken to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongging University of Medical Services in southwest China's Chongging, where he had the tumour removed.

~~ ~~
Gao An Ni

Gao An-ni, an 8-year-old girl from the rural countryside in An Yuan county in East China's Jiangxi Province, suffers from a tumor in her underlip. An-ni was born with a tumor in her underlip, and she couldn't receive timely treatment for the poverty. On 2007, her father took her to see doctors at the Hospital affiliated with Gannan Medical College. But when doctors there told him that the operation to cure the tumor and the following cosmetic surgery might cost a lot for the family, the father decided to bring back his daughter to their hometown.

Tumor Patient Phuong by interplast.

Phuong is a 27-year old with the largest facial tumor I have seen. The tumor began to grow at age 7, and quickly took over his entire left face, enveloping his eye and ear, and clearly keeping him from living a normal life. He has had three surgeries before, but the tumor has grown back each time. Recently, no local doctors or international team visiting the area has offered to take his case, due to the risk involved with the blood loss and the need for careful post-op care. Even in the US, this case would be considered a difficult case and booked for a full day in the OR.

Chen Zongtao:

154 pound (70kg) tumor on his right leg

Chen Zongtao, 29, lives in a remote Chinese village and hasn't been able to afford medical help. The growth first started on his left foot when he was two years old. But it soon spread across to his right leg and engulfed it. Over the years, it has ballooned in size to weigh more than 70KG or 154 pounds. Doctors at the hospital in Changsha, central China's Hunan province, have been probing the tumor. Zongtao is said to be suffering from neurofibroma - a usually-benign tumour originating in nerves. It is not yet clear if medical teams plan to take action on the growth.


Lai Thi Doe

The 15-year old Vietnamese girl Lai Thi Doe developed a gigantic 7-kg tumor in her face which can block her throat. The Schwannoma tumour is not highly uncommon however the size of Lai's tumor is possibly the largest ever reported.The rapid growth of the tumor may eventually impair her ability to breath. Her plight in Vietnam caught the International Kids Fund (IKF) which launched a fund-raising campaign to cover the $170,000 expected costs of the operation at the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Medical Center. The operation lasted 10 hours.


Son Pham
A Vietnamese orphan in Halifax with a benign, disfiguring facial tumour is preparing for a surgery at Children's Hospital Boston to reduce the size of the growth.
Son Pham, 11, will have a lip reduction surgery. Doctors will target a football-sized tumour that has built up in front of his lips so it protrudes less, said Olwyn Walter, who's been caring for the boy over the past year in Halifax.
"He knows that this is the first time that he'll see a significant difference," Walter said in an interview with CBC News.
"He's used to coming back from Boston actually looking worse than he went because the schlerotherapy treatments cause extensive swelling. In this case, he is going to come back looking different, and hopefully somewhat better, given that the removal of his malformation will have begun."

In January, Son had a tracheostomy, in which an incision is made in the trachea and a tube is inserted to keep the airway open throughout his treatment.

More surgeries ahead

Surgeons will not yet touch the largest part of the growth in Son's cheek area. They plan to do so,

The U.S. team disagreed, deeming his condition life-threatening because they feared the growth could block the boy's windpipe and prevent him from eating properly.
Chantal Sebire

Before she got sick, and later having the tumor
The tumour burrowed through her sinuses and nasal cavities, causing her nose to swell to several times its original size, and pushing one of her eye sockets out of her head.
Sebire, a former schoolteacher, was diagnosed nearly eight years ago with esthesioneuro blastoma, a rare form of cancer.
The illness had left her blind, and with no sense of smell or taste, her lawyer said.
She could not use morphine to ease the intense eye pain because of the side effects.
Sebire's body was found at her home in the eastern town of Plombieres-les-Dijon in the Bourgogne region .
The cause of her death was not immediately known, Dijon prosecutor Jean-Pierre Allachi said.
A court in the city of Dijon rejected Sebire's request to be allowed to receive a lethal dose of barbiturates under a doctor's supervision.
It refused the request for doctor-assisted suicide because of French law and out of concern for medical ethics.
Sebire had told the court she did not want to endure further pain and subject herself to an irreversible worsening of her condition.
Sebire's case caught France's attention when the media published heartbreaking before-and-after pictures that made her suffering instantly apparent.
Lakhmani DeviDoctors removed the massive parotid tumor from the side of Lakhmani Devi's face, which weighed more than 4 pounds,
~~See more ANOMALIES :
(other articles on thie blog)

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A. ~~~~~ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM ?~~~~~

List of health problems ( and what to do !) click..!


FRUITS, should be eaten on empty stomach..
GRAPE (seeds)
GINGER (gember),

CANCER . the right food..
EAT and LOSE weight,
WATER, hot/cold water and Heart attack,
CVA - STROKE ? ... Sing !!.....!!
HERNIA, Nucleus Pulposus,HNP,
GASTRIC ACID (heartburn),
Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy, HBOT,
SODA DRINKS , what happens inside your body?

WORK-OUT, Create your own gym,



OBESITY surgery,
FACIAL TUMOR (Neurofibromatosis),
Blind man sees through tooth.
31 fingers and toes
Previous post,

The Mermaid girl.

(Check 'High-lighted Contents' in the sidebar of this blog to see more articles about anomalia, health and treatments )

Doctor Luis Rubio carries Milagros Cerron - archive photo  from May 2004 Surgeons in Peru are preparing for an operation to separate the legs of a girl born with the rare condition "mermaid syndrome" or "sirenomelia".
Nine-month-old Milagros Cerron has been dubbed the "little mermaid" because her fused legs resemble the tail of a fish.
Usually babies with the condition die within days of birth. Milagros is one of only three known survivors.
A medical team, led by surgeon Luis Rubio, will operate on the girl in a hospital in Lima.
The team includes trauma surgeons, plastic surgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, neurologists, gynaecologists and a paediatrician, and the operation is expected to last five hours.

Most sirenomelia sufferers have severe organ damage and die within hours.

The only person who is known to have survived in the long term is 18-year-old American Tiffany Yorks, whose legs were separated before she was one year old.

Back to Milagros - whose name means miracles in Spanish.
Her abdomen merges into her legs, which are connected by skin down to the feet, which are splayed in a V-shape.
She has normal bone structure and independent movement within the two joined legs.
She has only one kidney, and only a single channel for her digestive tract and genitals.

Like many toddlers around the world, two-year-old Milagros Cerron is taking her first tentative steps. However, her parents have more reason than most to be proud of their little daughter.

But just over two weeks after an operation to separate her legs she took her first unaided steps across the room.
A team of eight specialists in Peru successfully carried out a number of operations on the two-year-old girl, known as the "Little Mermaid", to fully separate her legs and enable her to walk unassisted.
Born with her legs fused to the ankles and her feet splayed, Milagros looked like one of the mythical mermaids before her operation.
In June 2005 doctors successfully performed risky surgery to separate her legs to above her knees.
The second operation was carried out to separate the remaining fused tissue just below the groin.
Surgeon Luis Rubio who led the specialists, said after the surgery: "There were no problems...no complications from anaethesia or from haemorraghing."
"I expect to be walking the streets of Lima holding her hand in December, which would be a Christmas gift for her family."
He said Milagros, affectionately called "the little mermaid" by Peruvians, had developed the ability to stand alone without help and take small assisted steps.
Wearing a red headband, red pants and a red T-shirt, she took shuffling steps holding onto Rubio's hand and blew kisses to photographers.
Rubio has said Tiffany Yorks, a 17-year-old American, was the only other person known to have undergone successful surgery to correct the rare congenital defect, which occurs in one out of every 70,000 births and is almost always fatal within days of birth.
The surgeon calculates Milagros will need at least 16 more operations in the next 10 years to reconstruct and repair her digestive, urinary and sexual organs.

But because the operation will not concentrate on these areas, Dr Rubio says he feels her chances of survival are good.
"Every surgical procedure has risks but we are taking every precaution," he said.
She will need operations to correct her rudimentary digestive channel and genitals at a later date.
Milagros was born in the mountain city of Huancayo, 200km (125 miles) east of Lima, to very poor family.
Her father, 24-year-old Ricardo Cerron, said: "I keep thinking about what's going to happen and how's the operation going to be."
Mother Sara Arauco, 19, said: "My dream is that everything is going to turn out well."
7 months after the surgery...

~~ Shiloh Pepin dies at 10~~

The Mermaid girl

Shiloh Pepin, known as the Mermaid Girl, was not expected to survive after she was born without many of her internal organs, including her bladder, large intestine, rectum and a large section of her kidney.
Shiloh had her first kidney transplant when she was two years old. This was followed by a second transplant in August last year, and many other operations to reconstruct her organs.
But despite her obvious hardship, the courageous little girl is determined to live a normal life.
She has become a well-known personality in her home town of Kennebunkport, Maine, where one of her favourite activities is to go bowling.
She has also taken ballet classes and participated in a rehearsal for a dance recital, during which she sat and swayed on the stage
Dr Matthew Hand, a kidney specialist at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital, said it was possible to surgically separate Shiloh's legs - but Shiloh is not join his enthusiasm.
"Dr. Matt asked me if I wanted to get my legs separated, and I said: No. I said, better just deal with it and stick with the 'no' answer," Shiloh said.

She was 10 years old only..... Doctors had predicted she would survive only for days after her birth at the most, but the girl, described by her mother as “a tough little thing,” died at Maine Medical Center on Friday afternoon oct 23, 2009, hospital spokesman John Lamb said. She had been hospitalized in critical condition for nearly a week.




Another 'Mermaid girl' awaits operation

Maomao the 10-day-old baby who was born with her legs joined together undergoes a medical check-up by a doctor at the Changsha Children's hospital, Central China's Hunan Province on November 21, 2006. The newborn, dubbed mermaid girl, had a rare congenital defect known as 'mermaid syndrome.' Doctors are preparing to make operations to separate her legs. [Xinhua]

The baby was found abandoned outside a children's hospital in the Hunan Province in central China.

The baby has more problems than just his legs; he has no kidney or urinary tract, for starters. Doctors have a lot of work ahead of them to save the baby, even before they think about separating his legs. Sirenomelia is almost always fatal within days after birth


1. OBESITY surgery,
2 FACIAL TUMOR (Neurofibromatosis),
4. Blind man sees through tooth.
5. 31 fingers and toes

Previous post,

Russian leaves 106 kg of fat to trim obesity.

. He hardly could walk, but after a 4 hrs surgery, having some 235 pounds of fat removed from his tortured body, he can move his ass again. The guy, Petr Ferivov from Voronezh, Russia, is 49 years old only, but he couldn't sleep anymore, had to lie down all day and had no more sex life...Weighing over 200 kg (440 pounds) he decided to have himself cut in half, litteral...cos there's only 97 kg ( 215 pounds) left of him. Living on a strict diet he intends to reach 82 kg ( 180). After being disabled for many years he feels like a 17 year old...

Previous post