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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hemp. Penicillin of the 21st century

Penicillin of the 21st century
Answers to the question if cannabis cures or if it's a drug greatly differ. Yet the last years' results of the scientific teams in the whole world say that as long as hemp is applied correctly and moderately as a treatment of people that do not use it for other things than healing, it could act positively on many diseases including cancer. ''Just like penicillin was considered miraculous medicine of the 1940's, even hemp could become a miraculous cure of the 21st century in the end,'' says Lester Grinspoon, ex-professor of the faculty of medicine at Harvard University, active member of the organization for legalization of the effects of marijuana and author of the book Marihuana - forbidden medicine.

''Marijuana is remarkably non-toxic, having a wide range of medical applications and if it was legal it would also be inexpensive,''

New hope for cancer
British medical doctors confirmed positive effects of hemp in the treatment of the Crohn's disease. The research proves that hemp alleviates pain, restores appetite and reduces the need for taking usual meds. The products of healing hemp cosmetic help with the on-going dermal problems and difficulties. Also the scientists noted positive effects of marihuana during arthrosis treatment. The Swiss medical doctors also confirmed the effects on atherosclerosis. Their study showed that cannabis reduces clogging of blood vessels. In glaucoma, which is one of the most common causes of blindness, it was proven that cannabis can reduce intraocular pressure by up to fifty percent.

But that is not all - cannabis can have beneficial effects on asthma sufferers, it can improve condition of patients with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, helps in the treatment of AIDS and in up to 60 percent of epileptics. The latest research goes even further according to it cannabis helps even with cancer. American scientific team proved its anti-carcinogenic effects in 1947. Not only patients tolerate chemotherapy better with it, but some types of cancer can also be healed by it. If the effect is proved by tests that are currently being performed by a team of Spanish medical doctors, cannabis could be a new hope for oncology.

Lesser evil than meds
Despite the proven positive effects adverse reactions can also occur - depression, anxiety, paranoia and memory impairment - which should be considered before treatment. ''Compared to many drugs that doctors prescribe it is a harmless substance,'' said Professor Abrams, University of California. ''This is not a harmless drug, but is far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco,'' says Professor Grinspoon already quoted.
Cannabis should in no case be consumed in large - positive effects on those who have more experience with the drug were not observed. In any case there is a new hope that cannabis, a drug known already for five thousand years, will cause a revolution in the 21st century.

CANNABIS, medicine of the 21st century?
Cannabis in Latin, mostly known as marihuana, boo or hashish comes from Himalayas. It has been known for thousands of years for its healing effect, but only now it attracts attention of medical doctors all around the world. It can do wonders, being used in patients with defined diagnosis, even in treatment of serious and otherwise incurable diseases.

The hemp, together with hop belongs to a hemp subfamily, it is an annual dioecious herb that can be classified within 3 basic categories'' sown hemp (Cannabis sativa), Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) and a weed hemp (Cannabis ruderalis). These 3 types differ in appearance and growth - some of them may reach the height of up to 6 meters and in content of the efficient substance of THC. It has its origin in Asia, on the western sides of Himalayas.
In its dry form it is classified as drug. The mixture of the dried leaves and footstalks altogether with the petals became commonly known as marihuana, whilst the resin, obtained from female plants and being 6 times more efficient, is known as hashish. 

Take care of your health ..

Friday, March 18, 2011

The healing power of sound/music: The Genius Accelerator and 528 Hz DNA repair sound.

 The Genius Accelerator.
Try to tune in and hum...those of you with a 'natural ear' might find it more difficult, cos this frequency is slightly higher than a clear C...

 Do you find it hard to tune in, try this one having harmonics with it.


Fat boy smashes bully opponent.

Casey Heynes, a hero with  ONE move. 100% selfdefence against bully.  

The (much smaller) bully taunted and hit Casey after school while other kids laughed and videotaped the whole incident. Eventually, the much-bigger Casey could take no more, as he picked up the scrawny antagonizer and smashed him hard onto the concrete.
  In Nippon this is an Ippon...

We have seen no reports regarding what happened to the bully, but he appeared to injured as he struggled to walk around after the incident. Apparently, Casey got suspended from school for his actions and could face further discipline, while the kid picking on him allegedly received no punishment.
The YouTube page provided the following information, allegedly from Casey’s friend’s father:
“This 16 year old kid has been tormented every single day of his short high school life – and today he snapped!! He was suspended and may be looking at criminal charges, all because this little runt thought he could make an example of Casey in front of his “TUFF buddies!!”
A Facebook group formed to support “Casey The Punisher,” and members appear to be highly in favor of his decision to fight back. But the words some people have chosen in support of Casey might be taking things a little too far.
Bullying has been a hot issue lately—President Obama even held a conference last week to address the problem—and this is sure to add fuel to the anti-bullying campaign.

Well, he's my HERO...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Full Moon, march 19, 2011.

We are about to experience the biggest full moon in the sky for 19 years.

The moon is not actually bigger, it’s just closer, and what’s more it doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you’ll be able to see the lunar phenomena.
It happens on March 19, 2011.

The date falls on a Saturday and providing atmospheric conditions allow, for example, no cloud, you will witness a moon (and a full one at that!) some 14 percent bigger and 32 percent brighter than normal. This is because the moon is on a elliptical orbit. That is not an orbit that forms a perfect circle. So, on occasion it will pass the earth on a close approach, known as a perigee. When it is at its furthest approach it is known as an apogee.
The major concern for some is that the moon’s perigee will cause severe weather phenomona such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. The moon being so close will have an immense pull on the earth it will affect the tides possibly causing flood damage and some land erosion.
The moon affects all the world’s water and there is much water beneath the earth’s crust. Waterways, underground rivers and sea caverns are also likely to be affected by the magnetic lunar pull, as are human beings themselves.

See Pix: