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Monday, May 9, 2011

Cannabis.."It's one of the best nausea and pain medications on the market,"

This is too important to not share with you...
Doctors said 2-year-old Cash Hyde would likely die after they found a stage 4 brain tumor surrounding his optic nerve just a year ago this week.
And he nearly did. After being subjected to seven different chemotherapy drugs, the little boy from Missoula, Montana suffered septic shock, a stroke and pulmonary hemorrhaging.
Cash was so sick he went 40 days without eating. His organs were threatening to shut down. His father, Mike Hyde, intervened, slipping cannabis oil into his son's feeding tube.
In Montana, medical marijuana is legal. Hyde had used it himself to treat his attention deficit disorder. When Cash was diagnosed in May 2010, Mike got him a marijuana card and purchased the drug from his own supplier. Cash, now 3, made a miraculous recovery at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, but his father's bold action -- taken behind doctors' backs -- has raised serious questions about a parent's role in medical treatment.
Hyde said he believes it was the marijuana oil that helped Cash eat again and that the drug -- illegal in most states, including Utah, can cure cancer.

"Not only was it helpful," Hyde, 27, told ABCNews.com. "It was a godsend." 

Dr. Linda Granowetter, a professor of pediatrics at New York University and chief of the Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, told ABCNews.com that Hyde's intervention was "fascinating" but "somewhat bothersome." 

 Mike Hyde holding his son Cash. Granowetter said she agrees that cannabis--the chemical found in the prescription drug Marinol-- is effective in treating adult nausea that accompanies chemotherapy. But there have been no clinical trials in children...

"Its virtue is we know exactly what you are getting and how much," she said. "I think that the fact that he didn't have the rapport and ability to be honest with the doctor is very troubling. Care is impeded when there is not complete trust."
Hyde, who quit his job as a car salesman when Cash was diagnosed with cancer, said he was afraid Cash's doctor might take the marijuana away.
"When you are told your kid has cancer, whoa," said Hyde, 27. "Then they tell me they have to do aggressive chemo and he's probably not going to make it. It's a lot to take on."
He had read claims by researchers online about cannabis's properties: "It's one of the best nausea and pain medications on the market," he said.
Because there are no pediatric oncology facilities in rural Montana, where Cash's tumor was discovered in a CT scan at the local emergency room, he was rushed to Salt Lake City, the nearest treatment center.
He was given the highest possible doses of chemotherapy for two months. He lost his appetite and threw up eight to 10 times a day.
"When he started the chemo, he was so sick," said Hyde. "For the first six weeks, he was blind. But his tumor was shrinking… It's the nastiest thing to see someone you love go through this."
Doctors had inserted a gastric feeding tube to administer cancer-fighting drugs and to help with his nutrition, but when August came the family experienced another medical "rollercoaster ride," according to Hyde.
"The G-tube burned out the inside of his stomach," said Hyde. "He didn't even have the will to eat."
By September, Cash had stopped eating for 40 days. "He was suffering terribly, and the doctors said it was the best they could do for him," said Hyde, who asked doctors to stop the chemotherapy drugs.
Instead, Hyde boiled up marijuana he had purchased in Montana with olive oil and measured 3 mm. doses that he poured into his son's G-tube twice a day.
Because it was illegal to use medical marijuana in Utah, Hyde never told his doctors.

Cash Hyde Makes 'Miracle' Recovery'

"In two weeks he was weaned of all the nausea drugs, and he was eating again and sitting up in and laughing," according to Hyde, who said doctors called his son's recovery "a miracle."
NYU's Granowetter said cannabis "certainly can increase appetite and improve mood...but the idea that it can cure cancer is ludicrous." She said the drug is most effective in teens who have previously used marijuana. "In young adults or children who have not had it before, it can make them paranoid. It's awfully hard to gauge if a child would have a bad reaction," according to Granowetter, who said she would welcome clinical trials on children.
"We know from research that 30 to 60 percent of parents with children are giving them alternative meds like vitamins, shark tooth and herbs from Chinatown," she said. "That's why we spend a lot of time asking parents what else they are giving kids and trying to be non-judgmental and work with them and guide them."
She said most pediatric oncologists are "open-minded" about alternative treatments.
Mike Hyde said he did eventually tell the Utah doctors, who were surprised by how Cash bounced back with no permanent organ damage. They say the boy has a 50 to 80 percent chance that the cancer will come back, according to Hyde, who has since started a foundation to help children with cancer.
"We were told I was one of the best dads," said Hyde, who lived with his wife and their other 6-year-old son in a camper in a parking lot for the nine months of treatment. "Every encounter in Salt Lake City, we were positive and never quit fighting. I was told he was going to die, but I knew he hadn't stopped the fight."

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    Clear water in your pond. No more pea soup...!

    A clear Pond.
    Most of you have seen it before I guess: a fishpond that looks like green soup.... The filters can't handle the fine small particles that pass your system  like there were no filter at all, and often people see no other way then to add all kinds of Pond cleaners which not just get rid of your floating green algae, but also affects your filter system and her eating organism.You should refresh at least 10% of your water/weekly. Check on your salt level (1g/ltr). Through the years your Koi grew bigger and for sure they're producing more 'pollution'...and of course the number of fish you got...!! The quality of the food you use might be a factor as well.

    When you don't have an extra pump, you can use a net and fill it with pool wool/cotton and place it in the water stream.

    My favorite however is a bucket with a dozen holes in it, also filled with some wool/lava rock or anything that absorbs small particles. The pump has a capacity of 6000 l/h so the holes have to be at least 1" or 2 cm. The more holes the better. It also depends on the polluted water and the kind of wool your use on how often you have to check on  the holes for being clogged up.

    I use two kinds of wool, the white one is the finest while the green has a more open structure to catch the bigger particles. Fold a layer of the white cotton and cover the holes, next: make a ball of the green cotton and fix the water outlet with a stone or something in the middle of this ball.

    When the water reaches a higher level in the bucket, switch off pump and rinse/renew the wool.

     If all of this doesn't work and the water is still greenish after this kind of filtering, there's only one option left: you need a (bigger) UV filter  .  I use a 30 Watt ProClear on a 3500l/hr water pump, which should be enough for Ponds up to 20.000 ltr. It's switched off during winter season and operational from around May when the need is there...

     Within 3 days there'll be a significant change of water quality already, it will be crystal clear within a week....!
    Remove filamentous algae longer than 10" by hand/stick rather than the use of additives which kill all of it....don't remove shorter algae.

    Saturday, April 23, 2011

    Cannabis and Crohn's dissease.

      In very basic terms, people with Crohn’s disease have a defective barrier to their gut, which allows bacteria to leak into the intestinal tissue and set up an inflammatory response. It seems then that the answer to the problems posed by this illness is to restore integrity to the gut barrier.

    Researchers found that plant-derived cannabinoids – that is, weed, encouraged tighter bonds between the cells that form that gut barrier, therefore making it less leaky.
    While it has been known for a long time that cannabis is a powerful anti-inflammatory, the discovery that it actually reintegrates the intestinal lining is a new one.
    Cannabis is a great alternative and complimentary treatment for patients with Crohn’s disease.  It has shown to eliminate nausea, reduce abdominal cramping and also increase patients appetites.  It can also reduce the amount of loose stools patients suffer from during the day.  The great thing is that it is very well tolerated and has minimal side effects.  it is not toxic to any of the major organ systems and if vaporized (vs smoked) it does not affect a patients lungs.  It is certainly worth trying for patients who suffer with this terribly debilitating disease.

    Chemicals found in cannabis could prove an effective treatment for the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, say scientists. Laboratory tests have shown that two compounds found in the cannabis plant - the cannabimoids  THC and cannabidiol - interact with the body's system that controls gut function. Crohn's Dissease and Colitis, which affect about one in every 250 people in Northern Europe, are caused by both genetic and environmental factors. The researchers believe that a genetic susceptibility coupled with other triggers, such as diet, stress or bacterial imbalance, leads to a defective immune response.

    Dr Karen Wright, Peel Trust Lecturer in Biomedicine at Lancaster University: .."The lining of the intestines provides a barrier against the contents of the gut but in people with Chrohn's, this barrier leaks and bacteria can escape into the intestinal tissue leading to an inappropriate immune response.  If we could find a way to restore barrier integrity in patients we may be able to curb the inflammatory immune response that causes these chronic conditions."
     "What is also encouraging is that while THC has psychoactive properties and is responsible for the 'high' people experience when using cannabis, cannabidiol, which has also proved effective in restoring membrane integrity, does not possess such properties."

    Cannabis-using Crohn's patients not only report significant relief of their symptoms, they are also able to reduce the amount of immunosuppressive medications that have been a mainstay of conventional treatment. Imuran, methotrexate, 6 MP, and Remicade (an anti-TNF drug) are greatly reduced. Asacol and Pentasa brands of Mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory medication with immuno-modulating properties is also reduced in many cases. Steroids are noted to be reduced and often eliminated.

    Some of the patients' responses include these telling remarks:

      "A terrific reliever of Crohn's symptoms."
      "A more easily controlled medication than offered by pills."
      "Alcohol has been a big problem for me that I don't have with cannabis."
      "Only positive effects, no negative effects."
      " Best appetite stimulant, very good calming effect."
      "Cannabis provides relief without knocking me out or other bad side effects that I had with steroids."
      "I've committed myself to this form of therapy, and my quality of life has improved by leaps and bounds."
      "I've struggled for years with opiate addiction from chronic pancreatitis —cannabis lets me control my pain without being a slave to opiates."
      "Marinol bothered my stomach —I don't get sick, constipated, or vomit with cannabis."


    A diet with Broccoli and Bananas is not a bad advice either, the use of Kurkuma/Turmeric is a MUST, while it's important to eat fruits BEFORE the meals...!


    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Sulphur/Sulfur and health. E220.

    Sulphur dioxide



    Sulphur dioxide reacts with a wide range of substances found in food, including various essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fatty acids. Adverse reactions: bronchial problems particularly in those prone to asthma, hypotension (low blood pressure), flushing tingling sensations or anaphylactic shock. International Labour Organization says to avoid E220 if you suffer from conjunctivitis, bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, or cardiovascular disease.
    Grapes and sulfur, Smell before you eat...

      Health effects of Sulfur.

      Sulfur is mainly found in nature in the form of sulphide. In several processes  sulfur compounds are released to the environment, where they cause damage to both animals and humans. These harmful sulfur compounds are formed in nature during  all kinds of reactions. These reactions are undesirable because they producean  unpleasant odor and  are often highly toxic. Generally, sulfur compounds have the following effects on human health:

    - Neurological effects and behavioral changes  
    - Disturbance of blood circulation 
    - Heart damage 
    - Diseases of the eyes and sight problems
    - Reproductive failure 
    - Damage to immune systems 
    - Stomach and digestive disorders 
    - Damage to liver and kidney functions 
    - Hearing defects 
    - Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism 
    - Dermatological effects 
    - Suffocation , pulmonary embolism
    - Internal nervous system.

    Sulfur in the air can be found in various forms. When sulfur in gaseous state is absorbed by inhalation, it can cause eye -and throat irritation. Sulfur is extensively used in industry as pesticides,  in animals sulfur causes malfunction of the hypothalamus and particularly affects the nervous system and brains. Laboratory experiments with animals have shown that sulfur also seriously damages the blood vessels in the brains, heart and kidneys.These tests show that some sorts of sulfur cause fetal damage and birth defects. Sulfur Poisoning may occur to babies when mothers breastfed their children .
     Sulfur is widely used to fight mildew on vegetables and fruits. It was this week I smelled and tasted sulfur on my grapes, even after rinsing with water it was still there.

    Use your nose....