One of the main causes of back pains is discopathy or the intervertebral disc disease. Over the time, it undergoes certain degenerative changes. The blood vessels in the annulus fibrosus comprising the nucleus pulposus disappear. What is left are empty canals. The degree of its hydration decreases, which brings about a drop in its elasticity. A spine overload causes a dislocation of the nucleus pulposus into the canals in the annulus fibrosus. The nuclear tissue located in the center of the disc can be placed under so much pressure that it can cause the annulus to herniate or rupture

The places of reduces resistance might be gates through which fragments of the" disc's" nucleus pulposus will indent into the vertebral canals, and cause a compression of the nerve structures. The process is chronic in its character, and its course depends on individual and changeable, genetic and constitutional factors as well as the patient's mode of life.
In the lumbar part of the spine, the aforesaid changes usually refer to the intervertebral discs located between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebra (L-4-L-5) as well as the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacral bone (L5-S1).
In most cases "lumbar discopathy" reveals itself with pains located in the lumbo-sacral part of the spine radiating to one or both lower limbs. The pains are caused by pressure on the nerve roots, being a constituent of the ischiadic nerve (sciatic neuralgia).
A precise location of the pain depends on which nerve roots in the vertebral canal are particularly pressed by the protruding fragments of the "disc". In more advanced cases, chronic compression causes disorders in the blood supply to the nerve root, which may even lead to its necrobiosis. It manifests itself in the lower limbs paralysis (numbness, reduction of the muscular strength, muscular atrophy or dropping foot). In extreme cases difficulties with miction or bowel movements may appear.
In my case it certainly effects the intestines and urine-bladder, due to contractions of the internal muscles during the pain-attack.
Regular Treatment
Untreated disease progresses, which is related to the development of degenerative changes and their spreading to the neighboring intervertebral areas or other sections of the spine. On the other hand, its treatment is also difficult as there is no "golden means" or a single method that would guarantee complete recovery. In most cases conservative therapy (physiotherapy, rehabilitation, pharmacotherapy) is applied to patients suffering from "low back pains" . Such a treatment aims at decreasing the pains without eliminating the cause, namely the compression of the nerve structures brought about by the dislocated fragments of the intervertebral disc. It has, however, a great disadvantage as all analgesics take regularly damage the organism ( the stomach, liver, kidneys ). An absolute indication for a surgical procedure are symptoms of a neurological deficit which indicate an injury of the nervous system. It is often very difficult for the patient to decide on the neurosurgical treatment as it is the spine which is to be operated on. Therefore the use of minimally invasive procedures such as percutaneous laser disc decompression, intradiscal electrothermal therapy or endoscopic microdiscetomy may be of great advantage here.
Providing all necessary conditions are met, each of the aforesaid methods is characterized by enormous therapeutic efficacy.
Providing all necessary conditions are met, each of the aforesaid methods is characterized by enormous therapeutic efficacy.
Alternative treatment.
I'm suffering a HNP for many years already, it strikes all of a sudden when I bend down or make a wrong move. Even a sneeze can trigger a painful situation. I 'experienced' many therapies through the years. The best way to help your back is to practice your 'sixpack'. That'll help to keep the vertebrae stable. I learned that Acupuncture kills the pain effectively and made me move again, but it doesn't cure the injured disk instantly, so be careful not to overdo your training after an Acu-healing...
Good food, no alcohol and no tobacco will help you to recover faster.
...pain exists to warn you there's something wrong ! Give the disk it's time to recover , move, and keep it warm.
The best therapy however I found was in The Philippines when a 'hilot' opened my eyes to see his miracles. Andy Fajardo started to massage and 'pressure point' my calves so intensively it made me shout'n out loud (SOL). That hurt like hell... that hurt more than my backpain, I tell you. I didn't feel my back anymore . And when he stopped the massage, my calves were 'tender' and the pain bearable but I still didn't feel my backpain anymore...
I've practiced this therapy on many of my backpain-patients, with great result I may say. So my advice to you when you're suffering a lower-back pain:
Have someone pressure-point your'll help.
Because of the tension built up in the lowerback mucles, it shuts off the nerves that controle the inner organs like the Large Intestine and Urine Bladder. You probably noticed your dumps weren't compact anymore but thin.. The reflexpoints in your calfs also link to these organs and will activate them to get back to work.
It's OK to massage the Lumbal area to straighten up the muscles and to help increase blood circulation .
The muscles between the shoulder blades need to be softend as well.
Massaging reflex-points on the hands and feet are recommended.
This old note of mine shows to reflexpoints to backpain, it advices to treat the 'kidney meridian' 1/6 , but go as far as #10...!.
The lowest point on the wrist can be massaged but:
never burn Moxa on this spot.!!
Ear points to HNP:
click to enlarge
click to enlarge

It's easy to find these points yourself, a mirror will be of a great help...Press with a fingernail in that area and they'll show up, you'll feel them. Be careful with pointy objects like pencils or pens. When you're not that handy, ask someone to assist you.
Spine at the backside.

Korean Reflexpoints hands.
Korean Reflexpoints hands.

Massage this 'spine'. and concentrate on the area that links to your pain.

According to this projection the center phalange of the little finger and the thumb correspond with your calfs reflexpoints !!!
Massage these area....
Massage these area....
The purple arch from heel to big toe corresponds to the spine.
Don't sit down on cold objects like rocks or stone edges, wear a long shirt down the waist into y're pants, keep your back warm, use a strong showerhead to massage...
THC in Marijuana is a well known painkiller and relaxes the muscle tension, Cayenne pepper has a positive effect.
You need to do exercises
WORK-OUT, Create your own gym,
Don't sit down on cold objects like rocks or stone edges, wear a long shirt down the waist into y're pants, keep your back warm, use a strong showerhead to massage...
THC in Marijuana is a well known painkiller and relaxes the muscle tension, Cayenne pepper has a positive effect.
You need to do exercises
WORK-OUT, Create your own gym,
2.HAND AND FOOT (Korea),
A. ~~~~~ WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM ?~~~~~
List of health problems ( and what to do !)
FRUITS, should be eaten on empty stomach..
CANCER . Fight-and cure cancer with the right food..
EAT and LOSE weight,
WATER, hot/cold water and Heart attack,
CVA - STROKE ? ... Sing !!.....!!
MIGRAINE, and pressurepoints
GASTRIC ACID (heartburn),
Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy, HBOT,
SODA DRINKS , what happens inside your body?
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