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Friday, November 26, 2010

Marijuana instead of Ritalin in treatment ADHD.

 More and more benefits of the Marijuana plant are 'revealed'. From all over the world patients tell their stories about the healing effects of weed on their disorders and diseases, even on Cancer, HIV, Alzheimer and the syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette.  See my articles about: (The healing power of Marijuana)

 And now another one ! :

Attention Deficit Disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or  ADD/ADHD  a brain based condition that is characterized by poor attention  and/or hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. 
It is one of the most common mental disorders that develops in children.
For quite some time allready Ritalin is prescribed to lower all these over-activities, but, for the child diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, the side effects of using Ritalin, are many, such as psychosis, abnormal thinking and hallucinations, difficulties with sleeping, stomach aches, diarrhea, headaches, lack of hunger (leading to weight loss). 
In some cases, the use of Ritalin has led to death.
Wouldn't you like your child to use safer drugs/medicines ?? 
I tell you, there is.....!:

~~Investigators at the Heidelberg University Medical Center reported that smoking cannabis dramatically improved the performance, behavior and mental state of a 28-year-old male patient diagnosed with severe ADHD. "The present case report suggests that individuals suffering from ADHD, may - in some cases - benefit from cannabis treatment in that it appears to regulate activation to a level which may be considered optimum for performance," researchers concluded....~~

  And they are right....!!! Oh, I've seen many  'ADHD-like' people  switching to a lower gear after smoking a reefer... 30 years ago allready..!!! Never heard of the disorder at thàt time, but a joint for sure had a relaxing affect on those hyper active persons. A joint too many and they just fell asleep. Hehehehehe. And you know what ? No headach the next morning...! A Good apetite instead of the 'no hungry' fealings after using Ritalin......

Recently I was chatting with a friend on Facebook
about the effects of drugs on children. As I was recommending MJ as a cure to many disseases, she wondered if she had mis-informed her kids about doing drugs...
I told her she was right to warn her children against drugs like: coke, xtc, and sort alikes. Worry when your kids start using alcohol and/or tobacco..! Tell them you'ld rather see them smoke a joint in stead. 
I'm serious..!
Marijuana is not a drug, IT'S A MEDICINE...!

"I'd have no hesitation of giving a youngster with ADHD a trial of oral marijuana," said Lester Grinspoon, emeritus professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the author of  

"Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine."

"For some kids, it appears to be more effective than traditional treatments. And marijuana certainly has fewer, (if none) potential dangers than Ritalin."

   There are different ways to ingest the powerful benefits of this herb besides smoking it. Pour  hot water on the leaves and you make yourself a nice cuppa tea. Add it to coockies and you end up with brownies. The smoke or vapor from waterpipe and bong are always cleaner than a  pure rolled joint.. Hemp oil, CBD/THC drops, is a very healthy and a useful additive to your diet to fight and cure several (if not all) ailments..

  "My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6," a Grass Valley, Calif., woman who wished to remain anonymous told Sphere. "He was hyperactive and had trouble in school, but we didn't want to put him on Ritalin. Too many side effects. When he got to high school, I suddenly noticed that he'd calmed and could concentrate. I couldn't figure it out. Then he told me that he'd started smoking pot." Now 28, her son still smokes pot, the woman says, and has very little problem with his ADHD. 

Regular ADD, is different than ADHD, in that ADHD is caused by an under-stimulation in the frontal lobe, and ADD is more of a problem of the parietal lobe.

Scientists have studied electrical activity in the frontal lobes of the brain in Marijuana users using Event-Related Potential measurements (ERP). activity). However with increasing frequency of use there was a growing problem in the parietal area of the brain with slower speed of information processing.

  If ADD people have overactive parietal lobes, then it makes sense, that something that can calm that lobe, like marijuana, would actually help them. In the case of 'normal' people, frequent use would overdo, but for ADD people, frequent use would calm them down.

  Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.

The results in treating ADHD with cannabis are often spectacular. Patients report grades going from C's and D's to A's and B's.
Dr. David Bearman, a physician practicing in Santa Barbara California, reports patients have said:
“I graduated from the Maritime Academy because I smoked marijuana”, and “I got my Ph. D because of smoking marijuana.” 

Almost universally ADHD patients who therapeutically used cannabis reported it helped them pay attention in lecture, focus their attention instead of thinking of several ideas almost at the same time, helped them to stay on task and do their homework.

Since the endo-cannabinoid system was discovered, many studies revealed that marijuana also modulates the dopamine system and therefore is a potential ADHD treatment. As recounted in the physicians’ stories  marijuana may offer a safer, less costly and more effective treatment than anything available from the pharmaceutical companies. 

We may discover that it's better to have a bunch of hyperactive kids taking small amounts of pot rather than Ritalin, which has all kinds of creepy side-effects and isn't, you know, natural....

Courtesy dr. Phil Salem:
"I had heard or read about California marijuana doctors reporting that it was effective for the treatment of ADD and autism. These were single or isolated reports because physicians seemed to be reluctant to even talk about what the U.S. government constantly bleats about a "dangerous addicting drug", marijuana.
Dr. Mikuriya reported in 2006 in O'Shaunessy marijuana magazine that a 15-year old child was brought to him by his mother. He had been diagnosed with ADD and psychoses and had been given over 30 different kinds of drugs including pulverized kitchen sink, most of which made him combative and worse. He had used marijuana at age 11 with older friends.
It had a calming effect but his use brought police action and three court ordered rehabs which really drove him crazy. His mother found Dr. Mikuriya who prescribed Marinol which worked. A judge would not let him use ut, but a second judge did allow it and he got a marijuana permit and smoked it with dramatic improved results.
I decided a search of the Internet was advisable and I typed up marijuana autism with the surprising finding that the Autism Research Institute posted an article by Bernard Rinland Ph.D. Medical Marijuana: a valuable treatment for autism in 2003. The site discussed a letter from a mother of a violently autistic child. A friend suggested a marijuana brownie cookie which in the words of the mother "saved my child's life and my family's life." 

The article continues to state that many parents in the same situation have reported marked success.

Pls. visit: Whats-your-problem, and the cure..!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All Vehicles Holland. Garage krijgt een ster van mij.

Wanneer je regelmatig een 2de hands autootje aanschaft loop je wel eens het risico van een miskoop. Dat is me de laatste 20 jaar toch wel een aantal keren overkomen. Ik ga geen namen noemen van garages waar ik minder goede ervaringen mee heb, liever noem ik degenen waar ik een prettig gevoel aan over houd.

Het is niet de eerste keer dat ik een leuk wagentje bij All Vehicles Holland op de kop heb getikt. Ik heb er een Corolla vandaan waar ik jaren mee gereden heb ( tot ie gejat werd..), maar daar kunnen zij niets aan doen..! 

In maart dit jaar was ik weer 'ns toe aan een ander vervoermiddel en kwam thuis met een Nissan Micra, pittig ding en niet te duur voor de kleine portemonnee, met 7 mnd APK. De tijd vliegt en die 7 maanden zaten er in oktober op. Op de dag van de keuring werd ik door de garage gebeld met de mededeling dat er één en ander mis was en of ik even langs wilde komen. Ze hadden bij de verkoop van de Nissan een euvel over het hoofd gezien waardoor de auto nu niet door de keuring kwam, en reparatie zou fors duur uitpakken...!

Daar word je niet vrolijk van, maar de garage zat er zelf ook duidelijk mee in de maag en bood me een andere auto aan, welliswaar met een kleine bijbetaling (200,- Euro, nieuwe APK en garantie..!), maar zeer de moeite waard: een Mazda 121 Cabriotop. En ik trof het met het weer, heerlijk met het dak open.... veel plezier km's gemaakt.

Proefritje Maasvlakte.

Uiteraard kwamen er wat kleine (gemakkelijk te verhelpen) gebreken boven water. De stappenmotor bleek ook wat te haperen en die wordt deze week, samen met de carburator vervangen. Kan niet wachten om die 73 PK uit te proberen ( misschien zit er wel een Turbo op..hehehehe).

Ik kan niet anders zeggen dan dat ik heel tevreden ben met de service en de vriendelijke en snelle hulpverlening.  Remco Zwikstra, je krijgt van mij een ster voor je garage....


Thursday, November 18, 2010

The healing power of : Coriander/Cilantro.

Coriander/Cilantro and its seeds have been traditionally used in many parts of the world and are well known for treating various ailments such as diabetes and lowering cholesterol. Modern medical studies revealed the efficacy of coriander seeds- or oil in treating blood sugar control and free radical production.

The  leaves and oil contain beneficial nutrients such as limonene, camphor, chlorogenic acid, and a range of active phenolic acid compounds.  By consuming any form of coriander, health is greatly benefited in all aspects as it is an important source of minerals and fibers. As one of the many exceptional herbs, coriander aka cilantro possesses a range of antibacterial compounds that have the means of fighting various diseases especially Salmonella.

Dry seeds of coriander when boiled, strained and cooled is useful as eyewash for treating conjunctivitis and relieving burning and swelling The juice of  the leaves is also rich in treating deficiencies of iron and various vitamins.  They also possess antispasmodic properties and I useful in relieving bronchitis and reducing phlegm.

  Nutrition Benefits  
  • Coriander leaves act as stimulants and tonics for the stomach, strengthening its functions as well as promoting digestion.
  • The seeds  have been associated with offering a feeling of coolness and also reducing fever.
  • It has been seen that coriander helps in the removal of phlegm and also aids secretion and discharge of urine.
  • Containing an antibacterial compound, cilantro has been found to provide a natural means of fighting Salmonella, a cause of food-borne sickness.
  •  It has anti-inflammatory properties that might alleviate symptoms of arthritis.
  • Researches have pointed out that coriander helps stimulate the secretion of insulin and also lowers blood sugar.
  • Coriander keeps health problem at bay, by helping lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.
  • Consumption of coriander seeds has been known to lessen excessive menstrual flow.
  • Coriander juice, when mixed with a pinch of turmeric/kurkuma powder, serves as an effective remedy against pimples, blackheads and dry skin.
  •   for treating nausea and intestinal gas and is also a good source of dietary fiber.
  •  It has been fount to provide effective protection against urinary tract infections.
  •  It can act as a natural chelation treatment. Heavy metals like mercury enter your body through things like mercury leaking out of your amalgam fillings or eating contaminated fish and helps the body flush out those toxins through your urine. 
 Dry coriander treats diarrhea and chronic dysentery, as well as being useful in acidity. Chutney made from dry coriander, green chilies, grated coconut, ginger and black grapes without seeds are a remedy for abdominal pain due to indigestion.
Coriander juice

Coriander juice/water is highly beneficial in deficiencies of 
vitamin A, B1, B2, C and iron.
It is prepared by boiling dry seeds of coriander and straining the decoction after cooling.

Digestive Disorders
One or two teaspoons of coriander juice, added to fresh buttermilk, is highly beneficial in treating digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in typhoid fever.

Small Pox
One teaspoon fresh coriander juice, mixed with 1 or 2 seeds of banana, given once daily regularly, for a week is a very effective preventive measure against small pox. It is believed that putting fresh leaf juice in the eyes, during an attack of small pox, prevents eye damage.

High Cholesterol Levels
Regular drinking of coriander water helps lower blood cholesterol as it is a good diuretic and stimulates the kidneys.

Excessive Menstrual flow
Coriander seeds check excessive menstrual flow. Six grams of the seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water, till only half the water remains. Sugar should be added to it and taken when it is still warm. The patient gets relief after taking the medicine for 3 or 4 days.

A decoction prepared from, freshly dried coriander is an excellent eye-wash in conjuctivitis. It relieves burning and reduces pain and swelling.

Precautions: Dry coriander should be sparingly used by persons suffering from bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Other plant's info:

The young plants of coriander are used in chutneys, sauces, curries and soups. The volatile oil in it is used for flavoring and in medicine. In the dried form, coriander is an important ingredient of curry powder and is also used in pickling spices, sausages, seasoning, and confectionery and for flavoring spirits, particularly gin.

Coriander's volatile oil is rich in beneficial phytonutrients, including carvone, geraniol, limonene, borneol, camphor, elemol, and linalool. Coriander's flavonoids include quercitin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and epigenin. Plus, coridander contains active phenolic acid compounds, including caffeic and chlorogenic acid.

The mineral and vitamin contents include calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. They also contain sodium, potassium and oxalic acid.

AND:..FRUITS, (should be eaten on empty stomach)


..GRAPE (seeds)
..GINGER (gember),
..HOT PEPPERS(Cayenne),
..KURKUMA/TURMERIC(yellow and black)

Monday, November 8, 2010