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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rotterdam to stimulate city agriculture.

City farm.

Home growing, quite the opposite from what's happening in some parts of the world. Hé, we Dutch know what that means..! But NO, I'm not talking growing your own weed....

Rotterdam is planning to stimulate City-agriculture (fruits and fegs) on suitable places in and around town. Even rooftops were mentioned. The harvested products may be used for personal consumption or to be sold on the local markets and canteens..! First estimates go as far as 5-10% of the total turn over. I personaly would prefer to consume these local products, cos most, if not ALL imported fuits and vegetables, especially those from outside the EU, are 'treated' with heavy fertilizer boosts, pesticides and anti-fungi chemicals.

Did you notice the apples in your supermarket? Do you ever find a wormhole in it nowadays ? If you find one, take it, that's a GOOD one. This apple didn't kill the worm so it probably won't harm you either...!!! And when the worm is still inside, eat it, it's nutricious and rich in protein. Don't say 'yak' now, say it when you're chewing poisoned peels...

That would mean a tremendous cut in transportation costs and air pollution by delivering trucks. CO2 levels will drop cos all these plants love to 'inhale' the carbons and 'exhale' oxygen after photo synthesis .

Yes, I see the benefits. Healthier and cheaper fruits and food, less traffic and cleaner air..

I adopted this plan. Great, Rotterdam...!!

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